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Raw Blame History

id title challengeType videoUrl localeTitle
587d7db8367417b2b2512ba0 Match Everything But Letters and Numbers 1 匹配一切,但字母和数字


您已经了解到可以使用快捷键来匹配使用\w字母数字[A-Za-z0-9_] 。您可能想要搜索的自然模式与字母数字相反。您可以使用\W搜索\w的反面。注意,相反的模式使用大写字母。此快捷方式与[^A-Za-z0-9_]
让shortHand = / \ W /;
let sentence =“Coding”;
numbers.match简写; //返回[“%”]
sentence.match简写; //返回[“!”]




  - text: 你的正则表达式应该使用全局标志。
    testString: 'assert(, "Your regex should use the global flag.");'
  - text: 你的正则表达式应该在<code>&quot;The five boxing wizards jump quickly.&quot;</code>找到6个非字母数字字符<code>&quot;The five boxing wizards jump quickly.&quot;</code> 。
    testString: 'assert("The five boxing wizards jump quickly.".match(nonAlphabetRegex).length == 6, "Your regex should find 6 non-alphanumeric characters in <code>"The five boxing wizards jump quickly."</code>.");'
  - text: 你的正则表达式应该使用速记字符。
    testString: 'assert(/\\W/.test(nonAlphabetRegex.source), "Your regex should use the shorthand character to match characters which are non-alphanumeric.");'
  - text: 你的正则表达式应该在<code>&quot;Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.&quot;</code>找到8个非字母数字字符<code>&quot;Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.&quot;</code>
    testString: 'assert("Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.".match(nonAlphabetRegex).length == 8, "Your regex should find 8 non-alphanumeric characters in <code>"Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs."</code>");'
  - text: 你的正则表达式应该在<code>&quot;How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!&quot;</code>找到6个非字母数字字符<code>&quot;How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!&quot;</code>
    testString: 'assert("How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!".match(nonAlphabetRegex).length == 6, "Your regex should find 6 non-alphanumeric characters in <code>"How vexingly quick daft zebras jump!"</code>");'
  - text: 你的正则表达式应该在<code>&quot;123 456 7890 ABC def GHI jkl MNO pqr STU vwx YZ.&quot;</code>找到12个非字母数字字符<code>&quot;123 456 7890 ABC def GHI jkl MNO pqr STU vwx YZ.&quot;</code>
    testString: 'assert("123 456 7890 ABC def GHI jkl MNO pqr STU vwx YZ.".match(nonAlphabetRegex).length == 12, "Your regex should find 12 non-alphanumeric characters in <code>"123 456 7890 ABC def GHI jkl MNO pqr STU vwx YZ."</code>");'

Challenge Seed

let quoteSample = "The five boxing wizards jump quickly.";
let nonAlphabetRegex = /change/; // Change this line
let result = quoteSample.match(nonAlphabetRegex).length;


// solution required