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5a24c314108439a4d4036183 Use Advanced JavaScript in React Render Method 6 false 在React Render方法中使用高级JavaScript


在以前的挑战中,您学习了如何使用大括号{ }将JavaScript代码注入JSX代码以执行诸如访问道具传递道具访问状态在代码中插入注释以及最近为组件设置样式等任务。这些都是将JavaScript放入JSX的常见用例但它们并不是您在React组件中使用JavaScript代码的唯一方法。您也可以在return语句之前直接在render方法中编写JavaScript 而不必将其插入花括号中。这是因为它还不在JSX代码中。当你想在里面的JSX代码后使用一个变量return的语句,你把变量名花括号内。


在提供的代码中, render方法有一个数组其中包含20个短语用于表示经典1980年代Magic Eight Ball玩具中的答案。按钮单击事件绑定到ask方法,因此每次单击该按钮时,将生成随机数并将其存储为randomIndex状态。在第52行删除字符串"change me!"并重新分配answer const以便每次组件更新时您的代码随机访问possibleAnswers数组的不同索引。最后,在p标签内插入answer const。


  - text: <code>MagicEightBall</code>组件应该存在并且应该呈现给页面。
    testString: 'assert.strictEqual(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).find("MagicEightBall").length, 1, "The <code>MagicEightBall</code> component should exist and should render to the page.");'
  - text: <code>MagicEightBall</code>的第一个孩子应该是一个<code>input</code>元素。
    testString: 'assert.strictEqual(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).children().childAt(0).name(), "input", "<code>MagicEightBall</code>&apos;s first child should be an <code>input</code> element.");'
  - text: <code>MagicEightBall</code>的第三个孩子应该是一个<code>button</code>元素。
    testString: 'assert.strictEqual(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).children().childAt(2).name(), "button", "<code>MagicEightBall</code>&apos;s third child should be a <code>button</code> element.");'
  - text: <code>MagicEightBall</code>的状态应的属性初始化<code>userInput</code>和属性<code>randomIndex</code>都设置为空字符串的值。
    testString: 'assert(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).state("randomIndex") === "" && Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).state("userInput") === "", "<code>MagicEightBall</code>&apos;s state should be initialized with a property of <code>userInput</code> and a property of <code>randomIndex</code> both set to a value of an empty string.");'
  - text: 当<code>MagicEightBall</code>首次挂载到DOM时它应该返回一个空的<code>p</code>元素。
    testString: 'assert(Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).find("p").length === 1 && Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)).find("p").text() === "", "When <code>MagicEightBall</code> is first mounted to the DOM, it should return an empty <code>p</code> element.");'
  - text: 当文本输入到<code>input</code>元素并单击该按钮时, <code>MagicEightBall</code>组件应该返回一个<code>p</code>元素,该元素包含<code>possibleAnswers</code>数组中的随机元素。
    testString: 'async () => { const waitForIt = (fn) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(fn()), 250)); const comp = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(MagicEightBall)); const simulate = () => { comp.find("input").simulate("change", { target: { value: "test?" }}); comp.find("button").simulate("click"); }; const result = () => comp.find("p").text(); const _1 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _2 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _3 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _4 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _5 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _6 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _7 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _8 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _9 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _10 = () => { simulate(); return waitForIt(() => result()) }; const _1_val = await _1(); const _2_val = await _2(); const _3_val = await _3(); const _4_val = await _4(); const _5_val = await _5(); const _6_val = await _6(); const _7_val = await _7(); const _8_val = await _8(); const _9_val = await _9(); const _10_val = await _10(); const actualAnswers = [_1_val, _2_val, _3_val, _4_val, _5_val, _6_val, _7_val, _8_val, _9_val, _10_val]; const hasIndex = actualAnswers.filter((answer, i) => possibleAnswers.indexOf(answer) !== -1); const notAllEqual = new Set(actualAnswers); assert(notAllEqual.size > 1 && hasIndex.length === 10, "When text is entered into the <code>input</code> element and the button is clicked, the <code>MagicEightBall</code> component should return a <code>p</code> element that contains a random element from the <code>possibleAnswers</code> array.");}'

Challenge Seed

const inputStyle = {
  width: 235,
  margin: 5

class MagicEightBall extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      userInput: ",
      randomIndex: "
    this.ask = this.ask.bind(this);
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
  ask() {
    if (this.state.userInput) {
        randomIndex: Math.floor(Math.random() * 20),
        userInput: "
  handleChange(event) {
  render() {
    const possibleAnswers = [
      'It is certain',
      'It is decidedly so',
      'Without a doubt',
      'Yes, definitely',
      'You may rely on it',
      'As I see it, yes',
      'Outlook good',
      'Signs point to yes',
      'Reply hazy try again',
      'Ask again later',
      'Better not tell you now',
      'Cannot predict now',
      'Concentrate and ask again',
      'Don\'t count on it',
      'My reply is no',
      'My sources say no',
      'Most likely',
      'Outlook not so good',
      'Very doubtful'
    const answer = 'change me!' // << change code here
    return (
          style={inputStyle} /><br />
        <button onClick={this.ask}>
          Ask the Magic Eight Ball!
        </button><br />
          { /* change code below this line */ }

          { /* change code above this line */ }

After Test'after the test');


// solution required