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5a24c314108439a4d4036157 Write a Counter with Redux 6 false 用Redux写一个计数器




在本课程中您将从头开始使用Redux实现一个简单的计数器。代码编辑器中提供了基础知识但您必须填写详细信息使用提供的名称并定义incActiondecAction操作创建者, decAction counterReducer() INCREMENTDECREMENT操作类型最后定义Redux store 。一旦完成,您应该能够发送INCREMENTDECREMENT操作来增加或减少store保存的状态。祝你好运第一个Redux应用程序


  - text: 动作创建者<code>incAction</code>应返回<code>type</code>等于<code>INCREMENT</code>值的动作对象
    testString: 'assert(incAction().type ===INCREMENT, "The action creator <code>incAction</code> should return an action object with <code>type</code> equal to the value of <code>INCREMENT</code>");'
  - text: 动作创建者<code>decAction</code>应与返回动作对象<code>type</code>等于的值<code>DECREMENT</code>
    testString: 'assert(decAction().type === DECREMENT, "The action creator <code>decAction</code> should return an action object with <code>type</code> equal to the value of <code>DECREMENT</code>");'
  - text: Redux存储应该以0 <code>state</code>初始化。
    testString: 'assert(store.getState() === 0, "The Redux store should initialize with a <code>state</code> of 0.");'
  - text: 在Redux存储上调度<code>incAction</code>应该将<code>state</code>增加1。
    testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); store.dispatch(incAction()); const incState = store.getState(); return initialState + 1 === incState })(), "Dispatching <code>incAction</code> on the Redux store should increment the <code>state</code> by 1.");'
  - text: 在Redux存储上调度<code>decAction</code>应该将<code>state</code>减1。
    testString: 'assert((function() { const initialState = store.getState(); store.dispatch(decAction()); const decState = store.getState(); return initialState - 1 === decState })(), "Dispatching <code>decAction</code> on the Redux store should decrement the <code>state</code> by 1.");'
  - text: <code>counterReducer</code>应该是一个函数
    testString: 'assert(typeof counterReducer === "function", "<code>counterReducer</code> should be a function");'

Challenge Seed

const INCREMENT = null; // define a constant for increment action types
const DECREMENT = null; // define a constant for decrement action types

const counterReducer = null; // define the counter reducer which will increment or decrement the state based on the action it receives

const incAction = null; // define an action creator for incrementing

const decAction = null; // define an action creator for decrementing

const store = null; // define the Redux store here, passing in your reducers


// solution required