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Constructors are functions or methods in a program that creates an object of a class and can also initialize attributes for the object. The object is an instance of the class and can perform the methods/functions defined within the class.

This includes getter (e.g., getName()) / setter (e.g., setName()) methods. Basically, every Java Class has a constructor which is the method called first when any object of the class is initialized. Think of it as the creation of a new attribute, not unlike the declaration of a new data type.

When you write a class without any constructor, the Java compiler creates a default constructor :

public class Car {
    private String name;

Car modelS = new Car();

This initializing with no parameters is a way of calling the default constructor. You can also have a default constructor written this way:

public class Car {
    private String name;

    // User Specified Default Constructor
    public Car() {
        name = "Tesla";

Then, when calling new Car(), the variable name will get auto-initialized to "Tesla" for that instance of the Car object.

Clearly, constructors are exactly as they sound: they are used to construct i.e., instantiate an object of a particular class.
Constructors look similar to method declarations, but are slightly different in the sense that they:

  1. Are named exactly the same as the class.
  2. Don't have a return type.

Hence, the purpose of using constructors is to provide:

  1. A way to instantiate an object.
  2. Provide initial values to a object properties.
  3. Control how an object is created.

Let's look at another example. Say, Honda (the car manufacturer), wants all of its cars to be named Honda <a name>. In order to enforce this, we might represent this using a class as follows:

public class Car {

    private String name;

    // Constructor.
    public Car(String model){ = "Honda " + model;

    public String getName(){

    public static void main(String args[]){
        Car car = new Car("Civic");
        System.out.println( car.getName() );

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Notice that when we write a constructor in this way i.e., providing a parameter, we are controlling (point no. 3) the way an instance of Car is created. In short, we are saying in this example that you MUST provide a model name in order to get an instance of Car class.

Why is this important? There are times when you'd want one and only one instance of a class for use in your entire application. One way of achieving this is by using a private constructor.

Assume you need a class to represent a Bank. You wouldn't want people to create instance of Bank ever. So, you design your class:

public class Bank {

    private static Bank instance;
    private Bank(){

    public static Bank getInstance(){
        if(null == instance){
            instance = new Bank();
        return instance;

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Notice that the constructor is private. This enforces the fact that no one else is allowed to create an instance of the Bank.
In fact, if in another class, you try:

Bank account = new Bank(); // Throws a compilation error: Bank() has private access in Bank.

So, the only way to gain access to the instance is by using Bank.getInstance(). Such instances are called Singleton since you get exactly one instance (per VM to be precise) throughout the life of your application.

There can be many number of constructors in a class. But they should differ in the method parameters. This is Constructor Overloading. To be precise, we say constructor overloading has occurred when there are two or more constructors with the same name, but different method parameters. As a result, the two functions have different method signatures and are treated by Java as different constructors entirely. For example:

public class Car {

    private String name;
    private String carType;

    // Constructor.
    public Car(){ = "No Name";
        this.carType = "No Type";
    public Car(String model){ = "Honda " + model;
    public Car(String model, String carType){ = model;
        this.carType = carType;
    public String getName(){
    public String getCarType(){

    public static void main(String args[]){
        Car car = new Car("Civic");
        System.out.println( car.getName() );
        // Other Way To Initialize
        Car car = new Car("Civic","Sedan");
        System.out.println( car.getName() + " "+ car.getCarType() );

So, the only way to gain access to the instance is by using Bank.getInstance(). Such instances are called Singleton since you get exactly one instance (per VM to be precise) throughout the life of your application.

Copy constructor

The copy constructor is a constructor which creates an object by initializing it with an object of the same class, which has been created previously. The copy constructor is used to-

  1. Initialize an object from another of the same type.
  2. Copy an object to pass it as an argument to a function.
  3. Copy an object to return it from a function.

Here is a program that shows a simple use of copy constructor:

class Complex {
    private double re, im;
    // A normal parametrized constructor 
    public Complex(double re, double im) { = re; = im;
    // Copy constructor
    Complex(Complex c) {
        System.out.println("Copy constructor called");
        re =;
        im =;

Refer to constructor from current class

Constructor can also be invoked from another constructor inside of same class. Invocation of one constructor inside of another constructor is being performed by using this keyword which contains all parameteres which signutare of 1st constructor holds. For more clear explanation example is given below:

class Car { 
    String brand;
    String model;
    int seats;
    // 1st constructor
    public Car(String brand, String model) {
        this.brand = brand;
        this.model = model; 
    // 2nd constructor
    public Car(String brand, String model, int seats) {
        this(brand, model); // invoking 1st constructor by passing parameters stated inside of this constructors signature
        this.seats = seats;

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Constructor Chaining

A chaining constructor is when a constructor calls another constructor from the same class.It can be used for multiple ways to create one Object which can be useful.

class Number {
    int number;
    // Constructor 1
    public Number(int number) {
        this.number = number;
    // Chained Construction(Constructor 2)
    public Number(int number1, int number2) {
        //Calls the Constructor 1
    // Chained Construction(Constructor 3)
    public Number(int number1, float floatNumber) {
        //Calls the Constructor 2
        this(number1, (int) floatNumber*3);

Important things to note about Constructors in Java

  • It is not always necessary to have a constructor in Java. Java automatically make an empty constructor for you, BUT it is the case when you do not have a parameterized constructor.
  • If you have a parameterized constructor and you want to make an object with empty constructor (without any parameters) then it is not possible without creating an empty constructor yourself.

    Lets look at this with an example:
public class Test


public static void main(String[] args) 
    Test b = new Test();    // It's ok, because we do not have a parametrized constructor

But if there is a parametrized constructor and we wanted to make an object of that class without parametrized constructor, program will not compile

public class Test
    Test(int a)     // Parametrized Constructor

public static void main(String[] args) 
    // There will be an error on line below because we have a parametrized constructor and have not made an empty constructor ourselves 
    Test b = new Test();   

The above code should be changed to the following to compile properly:

public class Test
    Test()      // Empty Constructor
    Test(int a)     // Parametrized Constructor

public static void main(String[] args) 
    // Now this will compile properly 
    Test b = new Test();   

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