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Breadth-First Search

Let's first define the Tree class to be used for the implementation of the Breadth First Search algorithm.

class Tree:
  def __init__(self, x):
    self.val = x
    self.left = None
    self.right = None

The breadth first search algorithm moves from one level to another starting from the root of the tree. We will make use of a queue for this.

def bfs(root_node):
  queue = [root_node]
  while queue:
    top_element = queue.pop()
    print("Node processed: ",top_element)
    if top_element.left:

    if top_element.right:

We can easily modify the above code to print the level of each node as well.

def bfs(root_node):
  queue = [(root_node, 0)]
  while queue:
    top_element, level = queue.pop()
    print("Node processed: {} at level {}".format(top_element, level))
    if top_element.left:
      queue.append((top_element.left, level + 1))

    if top_element.right:
      queue.append((top_element.right, level + 1))
Complexity Time Space
BFS n n