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Basic Operations

Basic Operations

Java supports the following operations on variables:

  • Arithmetic : Addition (+), Subtraction (-), Multiplication (*), Division (/), Modulus (%),Increment (++),Decrement (--).

  • String concatenation: + can be used for String concatenation, but subtraction - on a String is not a valid operation. In java + operator is overloaded on functionality to concatenate strings and to perform addition information

  • Relational: Equal to (==), Not Equal to (!=), Greater than (>), Less than (<), Greater than or equal to (>=), Less than or equal to (<=) Always remember sign of greater and less than always come before assign i.e "="

  • Bitwise: Bitwise And (&), Bitwise Or (|), Bitwise XOR (^), Bitwise Compliment (~), Left shift (<<), Right Shift (>>), Zero fill right shift (>>>). **Bitwise operators are used to perform bitwise operation in places where calculation on binary numbers are required like-in ciphers,and to design virtual electronic circut replication etc. **

  • Logical: Logical And (&&), Logical Or (||), Logical Not (!)

  • Assignment: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=

  • Others: Conditional/Ternary(?:), instanceof **Ternary because it work on the functionality of If Then Else i.e If condition is right then first alternative anotherwise the second one ** While most of the operations are self-explanatory, the Conditional (Ternary) Operator works as follows:

expression that results in boolean output ? return this value if true : return this value if false;

The Assignment operators (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |=) are just a short form which can be extended. Example: (a += b) does the same thing as (a = a + b)!

Example: True Condition:

    int x = 10;
    int y = (x == 10) ? 5 : 9; // y will equal 5 since the expression x == 10 evaluates to true

False Condition:

    int x = 25;
    int y = (x == 10) ? 5 : 9; // y will equal 9 since the expression x == 10 evaluates to false

The instanceof operator is used for type checking. It can be used to test if an object is an instance of a class, a subclass or an interface. General format- object instance of class/subclass/interface

Here is a program to illustrate the instanceof operator:

  Person obj1 = new Person();
        Person obj2 = new Boy();
        // As obj is of type person, it is not an
        // instance of Boy or interface
        System.out.println("obj1 instanceof Person: " +  (obj1 instanceof Person)); /*it returns true since obj1 is an instance of person */