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Coding standards


  • Why coding standards?
  • Intro to PEP 8
  • Commands

Why coding standards?

The global python community is rapidly growing, and almost everyone uses python. This is where readability of code and uniform standards matter. Anyone on the planet should be able to read your code and understand what it does. There are a lot of aspects to understanding other's code, for example comments about what a function does, logically dividing tasks among modules and functions, good variable names, etc.

Intro to PEP 8

We love sticking to conventions. The python user community has come up with a set of standards, which are now taken as convention. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. Any industry level code that you write is run through the PEP 8 checker. It is therefore a good practice to start writing docstrings for your classes and functions, and naming variables in lower case with appropriate underscores. It may be worthwhile to have a look at these standards before you begin coding.

Here is the exhaustive link


Here's how you check if your python code meets he standards.

:~$ pip install pep8
:~$ pep8 --first

This will give all those lines which violate the standards, along with a short description of the fixes.