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title: Operators
# Operators :
* Operators let you perform operations on your data.
* The data that is being operated on is called the _operand_ .
* The different types of operators in C++ are :
* *OPERANDS* are the data on which the operator performs certain commands.
* Operators are of 3 types : unary(works on 1 operand), binary(works on 2 operands) , ternary(works on 3 operands).
### 1 The I/O operators -
* These operators allow you to direct input and output.
## The Input oerator ">>" ##
is used to read data from standard input (the "cin" statement) .
##The Output operator "<<"##
is used to send output in the `cout` statement.
### 2 The Arithmetic operators -
* These operators allow you to perform basic arithmetic operations.
1. The `+` operator *adds* the two operands.
2. The `-` operator *subtracts* the two operands.
3. The `*` operator *multiplies* the two operands.
4. The `/` operator *divides* and gives the *quotient* of the two operands.
5. The `%` operator *divides* and gives the *remainder* of the two operands. (Or, for the more mathematically inclined reader, `a % b` is essentially the result of "a mod b"
### Example of using arithmetic operators :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 5; //1st operand
int b = 10; //2nd operand
cout << "+ operator " << a+b << "\n"; //Add
cout << "- operator " << a-b << "\n"; //Subtract
cout << "* operator " << a*b << "\n"; //Multiply
cout << "/ operator " << b/a << "\n"; //Find Quotient
cout << "modulus operator " << b%a << "\n"; //Find remainder
return 0;
+ operator 15
- operator -5
* operator 50
/ operator 2
modulus operator 0
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### The increment operator :
* `++` is known as the increment operator. It increases the value of an integer variable by 1.
The 2 types of increment :
* Pre increment first increments the value and then uses it. Example : `int a ; ++a;`
* Post increment first uses the variable then increments it. Example : `int b; b++;`
### The decrement operator :
* `--` is known as the decrement operator. It decreases the value of an integer variable by 1.
The 2 types of decrement :
* Pre decrement first decrements the value and then uses it. Example : `int a ; --a;`
* Post decrement first uses the variable then decrements it. Example : `int b; b--;`
Example of Increment and decrement operators :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int a = 3 ,b = 4;
cout<< "Value of int a PRE INCREMENTED : " << ++a << "\n";
cout<< "Value of int b POST INCREMENTED : " << b++ << "\n";
cout<< "Value of b is changed after using once : " << b << "\n";
cout << "\n"; //go to next line
a = 10; //Assigning a new value to a
b = 10; //Assigning a new value to b
cout << "Value of int a PRE DECREMENTED : " << --a << "\n";
cout << "Value of int b POST DECREMENTED : " << b-- << "\n";
cout << "Value of b is changed after using once : " << b << "\n";
return 0;
Value of int a PRE INCREMENTED : 4
Value of int b POST INCREMENTED : 4
Value of b is changed after using once : 5
Value of int a PRE DECREMENTED : 9
Value of int b POST DECREMENTED : 10
Value of b is changed after using once : 9
<a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Try the code yourself ! :) </a>
### 3 : Relational Operators :
* These operators tell us the relation among 2 operands and return a boolean value(0 or 1). If the relation is `true` then it results into 1 . If the realtion is false then it results into 0.
* The 6 relational operators are :
1. Less than `<`
2. Greater than `>`
3. Less than or equal to `<=`
4. Greater than or equal to `>=`
5. Equal to `==`
6. Not equal to `!=`
### 4 : Logical Operators :
* These operators combine expressions for logical operations . They are :
1. Logical AND `&&` : Evaluates to true if both values are true .
2. Logical OR `||` : Evaluates to true if any value is true .
3. Logical NOT `!` : If *expression* is true then *!expression* is false. This operator reverses the truth value and is a unary operator.
### 5. Ternary Operators :
The `?:` operator is the ternary operator, or the _conditional operator_, becuase it can be used to substitute an `if else` statement, or even an `if else if` statement.
The syntax:
`condition ? ValueIfTrue : ValueIfFalse `. This expands to:
else ValueIfFalse;
Calling `ValueIfTrue` a value is a bit wrong, since it need not be a number. Something like this:
`condition ? FirstLevelTrueValue : ConditionIfFalse ? SecondLevelTrueValue : SecondLevelFalseValue ` also works, and is interpreted as the following `if else if` statement:
else if(ConditionIfFalse)
else SecondLevelFalseValue;
Similarly, nested `if` statements can also be made using ternary operators.
_Camper , You now know what tokens are. The next article will be about <need-to-put-topic> CONGRATULATIONS_
**Good Luck to all of you**
**Happy Coding ! :)**
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