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id title challengeType isRequired
5a24c314108439a4d4036166 Compose React Components 6 false


As the challenges continue to use more complex compositions with React components and JSX, there is one important point to note. Rendering ES6 style class components within other components is no different than rendering the simple components you used in the last few challenges. You can render JSX elements, stateless functional components, and ES6 class components within other components.


In the code editor, the TypesOfFood component is already rendering a component called Vegetables. Also, there is the Fruits component from the last challenge. Nest two components inside of Fruits — first NonCitrus, and then Citrus. Both of these components are provided for you in the background. Next, nest the Fruits class component into the TypesOfFood component, below the h1 header and above Vegetables. The result should be a series of nested components, which uses two different component types.


  - text: The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return a single <code>div</code> element.
    testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(TypesOfFood)); return mockedComponent.children().type() === "div"; })(), "The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return a single <code>div</code> element.");'
  - text: The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return the <code>Fruits</code> component.
    testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(TypesOfFood)); return mockedComponent.children().childAt(1).name() === "Fruits"; })(), "The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return the <code>Fruits</code> component.");'
  - text: The <code>Fruits</code> component should return the <code>NonCitrus</code> component and the <code>Citrus</code> component.
    testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(TypesOfFood)); return (mockedComponent.find("Fruits").children().find("NonCitrus").length === 1 && mockedComponent.find("Fruits").children().find("Citrus").length === 1); })(), "The <code>Fruits</code> component should return the <code>NonCitrus</code> component and the <code>Citrus</code> component.");'
  - text: The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return the <code>Vegetables</code> component below the <code>Fruits</code> component.
    testString: 'assert((function() { const mockedComponent = Enzyme.mount(React.createElement(TypesOfFood)); return mockedComponent.children().childAt(2).name() === "Vegetables"; })(), "The <code>TypesOfFood</code> component should return the <code>Vegetables</code> component below the <code>Fruits</code> component.");'

Challenge Seed

class Fruits extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        { /* change code below this line */ }

         { /* change code above this line */ }

class TypesOfFood extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        <h1>Types of Food:</h1>
        { /* change code below this line */ }

        { /* change code above this line */ }
        <Vegetables />

Before Test

class NonCitrus extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
class Citrus extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
class Vegetables extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          <li>Brussel Sprouts</li>

After Test'after the test');


class Fruits extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
  render() {
    return (
        { /* change code below this line */ }
        <NonCitrus />
        <Citrus />
        { /* change code above this line */ }

class TypesOfFood extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    render() {
      return (
        <h1>Types of Food:</h1>
          { /* change code below this line */ }
          <Fruits />
          { /* change code above this line */ }
          <Vegetables />