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if else Statements


The if statement executes a statement if a specified condition is true. If the condition is false, another statement can be executed using the else statement..

Note: The else statement is optional.

  x := 7
  if x%2 == 0 {
    // This statement is executed if x is even
  } else {
    // This statement is executed if x is odd

Multiple if...else statements can be nested to create an else if clause.

  x := 7
  if x == 2 {
    // this statement is executed if x is 2
  } else if x == 4 {
    // this statement is executed if x is 4
  } else if x == 7 {
    // this statement is executed if x is 7
  } else {
    // this statement is executed if none of the aboves is true

In Go you can precede an if condition with a statement. The containing variable definition is then valid for the complete if block.

  if x := 3; x == 2 {
    // this statement is executed if x is 2
  } else if x == 3 {
    // this statement is executed if x is 3
  } else {
    // this statement is executed if none of the aboves is true