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JavaScript Tutorials and Other Resources



Video Tutorials

Desktop Editors

  • Visual Studio Code

    Visual Studio Code includes built-in support for IntelliSense code completion, rich semantic code understanding and navigation and code refactoring. It comes with a built-in debugger, git support and has a plethora of extensions.

  • Webstorm

    A full-feature IDE for Javascript, including code completion, support for live linting, version control, and testing. Made by Jet Brains and modelled after their IntelliJ Java IDE.

    A full-feature IDE for JavaScript, including code completion and support for live linting, version control, and testing. Made by Jet Brains and modelled after their IntelliJ Java IDE.

  • Brackets

    A text editor made with web designers and front-end developers in mind. Features include: inline editing, live preview, and preprocessor support.

  • Atom

    Atom is an open source text editor made by GitHub. It features embedded Git Control and numerous customization options.

  • Brackets

  • Sublime Text Sublime Text is a cross-platform editor featuring a Python API. Free to download and evaluate, but requires a license for continued use.

Online Editors

Coding Challenges and Exercises



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