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因为有成千上万像你这样善良的志愿者, 才成为了可能。 如果你想利用业余时间贡献你的专业知识,我们将很高兴地欢迎你加入社区。

[!NOTE] 在你继续之前,请花 2 分钟时间快速地阅读我们的行为守则。 我们在社区中严格执行行为规范,为 的所有贡献者营造安全、包容的氛围。

You are welcome to create, update and fix bugs in our curriculum, help us fix bugs in's learning platform, or help us translate to world languages.

We answer the most common questions about contributing in our contributor FAQ.

Happy contributing.


我们的课程由 freeCodeCamp 全球社区的贡献者协作创建。 因此,我们能够吸收像你这样的志愿者的专业知识。

你可以帮助扩展和改进课程。 你也可以更新项目需求以更好地解释概念。 你可以改进我们的自动化测试,以便我们能够更准确地测试人们的代码。

如果你对改进我们的课程感兴趣,请查看 如何为课程做出贡献


We are localizing to major world languages.

Certifications are already live in some major world languages like below:

We encourage you to read the announcement here and share it with your friends to get them excited about this.

If you're interested in translating, here's how to translate freeCodeCamp's resources.


Our learning platform runs on a modern JavaScript stack. It has various components, tools, and libraries. These include Node.js, MongoDB, OAuth 2.0, React, Gatsby, Webpack, and more.

Broadly, we have a Node.js based API server, a set of React-based client applications, testing scripts to evaluate camper-submitted curriculum projects, and more. If you want to productively contribute to the learning platform, we recommend some familiarity with these tools.

If you want to help us improve our codebase...

you can either use Gitpod, a free online dev environment that starts a ready-to-code dev environment for freeCodeCamp in your browser.

Open in Gitpod

Or you can...

Set up freeCodeCamp locally on your machine.