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VSCode 拡張機能「Courses」について

ここでは、freeCodeCamp/courses-vscode-extension リポジトリのメンテナンス方針について説明します。このリポジトリには、freeCodeCamp - Courses 拡張機能のソースコードが含まれています。


A GitHub Action automagically publishes the extension to the Visual Studio Marketplace, on the release of a new GitHub Release.

  1. Package a new version of the extension:
npm run pack -- <tag_type>

Where <tag_type> is one of: major, minor, patch.

  1. Push the new version to main:
git commit -am "<tag_type>(<version>): <description>"
git push

Optionally, you can push directly to upstream/main, but opening a new PR is recommended for a sanity check.

  1. Create a new GitHub Release using the GitHub UI:
  • Correctly increment the version number, when creating a new tag.
  • Upload the .vsix file with the release.
  • Publish the release, and confirm the action succeeded.

[!NOTE] Creating a release requires write access to the freeCodeCamp/courses-vscode-extension repository.


A manual upload to the Visual Studio Marketplace can be achieved, by following these steps:

  1. Visit and sign in
  2. Navigate to the freeCodeCamp Publisher page
  3. Select the relevant extension, and select Update
  4. Upload the file from your local files