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Mailto Links

A mailto link is a kind of hyperlink (<a href=""></a>) with special parameters that lets you specify additional recipients, a subject line, and/or a body text.

The basic syntax with a recipient is:

<a href="">Some text</a>

More customization!

Adding a subject to that mail:

If you want to add a specific subject to that mail, be careful to add %20 or + everywhere there's a space in the subject line. An easy way to ensure that it is properly formatted is to use a URL Decoder / Encoder.

Adding body text:

Similarly, you can add a specific message in the body portion of the email: Again, spaces have to be replaced by %20 or +. After the subject paramater, any additional parameter must be preceded by &

Example: Say you want users to send an email to their friends about their progress at Free Code Camp:

Address: empty

Subject: Great news

Body: I am becoming a developer

Your html link now:

<a href="mailto:?subject=Great%20news&body=I%20am%20becoming%20a%20developer">Send mail!</a>

Here, we've left mailto empty (mailto:?). This will open the user's email client and the user will add the recipient address themselves.

Adding more recipients:

In the same manner, you can add CC and bcc parameters. Seperate each address by a comma!

Additional parameters must be preceded by &.

<a href=",">Send mail!</a>

More Information:

MDN - E-mail links