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id: 5900f4621000cf542c50ff75
title: 'Problem 246: Tangents to an ellipse'
challengeType: 5
forumTopicId: 301893
dashedName: problem-246-tangents-to-an-ellipse
# --description--
A definition for an ellipse is:
Given a circle $c$ with centre $M$ and radius $r$ and a point $G$ such that $d(G, M) < r$, the locus of the points that are equidistant from $c$ and $G$ form an ellipse.
The construction of the points of the ellipse is shown below.
<img class="img-responsive center-block" alt="animation of ellipse construction" src="" style="background-color: white; padding: 10px;">
Given are the points $M(-2000, 1500)$ and $G(8000, 1500)$.
Given is also the circle $c$ with centre $M$ and radius $15\\,000$.
The locus of the points that are equidistant from $G$ and $c$ form an ellipse $e$.
From a point $P$ outside $e$ the two tangents $t_1$ and $t_2$ to the ellipse are drawn.
Let the points where $t_1$ and $t_2$ touch the ellipse be $R$ and $S$.
<img class="img-responsive center-block" alt="circle c with the centre M, radius 15000, and point P outsie of ellipse e; from point P two tangents t_1 and t_2 are drawn to the ellipse, with points touching ellipse are R and S" src="" style="background-color: white; padding: 10px;">
For how many lattice points $P$ is angle $RPS$ greater than 45°?
# --hints--
`tangentsToAnEllipse()` should return `810834388`.
assert.strictEqual(tangentsToAnEllipse(), 810834388);
# --seed--
## --seed-contents--
function tangentsToAnEllipse() {
return true;
# --solutions--
// solution required