
1018 B

Bash ssh (Secure SHell)

Bash command: ssh

Used to securly connect to a remote server using Diffie-Hellman algorythm for key exchange, ssh replaces the archaic telnet program for remote shell sessions.

for example ssh will try to establish a connection with that host. The address of the remote computer can be provided using an IP address resolvable hostname or FQDN.

If you wish to use a different username then the one initiating the session (i.e. you're using ssh from root but wish to log in as different user to a remote system), the form ssh username@remote_address can be used, which will then prompt for the user password on successful connection.

Basic usage arguments:

  • -p - use a different port then configured in ssh_config file (usually 22)
  • -u - pass username outside of hostname URI
  • -i - use a different location for private key

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