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Bash mkdir

Bash command: mkdir

Creates a directory(ies), if they do not already exist.

mkdir [options] directory_name

Make directory(ies) with the provided name if they do not already exist.

Commonly used options:

  • -p no error if existing, make parent directories as needed.
  • -v prints message for each created directory.

Let's say we need to create a directory dir in the path a/b/c/dir, but directory b and c don't exist. In this case, mkdir -p a/b/c/dir will create the missing directories in the path.

You can also create multiple directories at a given level. Picture the following directory structure:

└── wwwroot
    ├── css
    ├── images
    └── media
        ├── mp3
        └── mp4

This can easily be recreated mkdir -p wwwroot/{css,images,media/{mp4,mp3}} By using curly braces {} you can create multiple directories at a given level.

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