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String Methods

TODO: string basic info

Python Docs - Strings


An empty string is created using a pair of quotation marks or apostrophes:

>>> new_string = ''
>>> type(new_string)
<class 'string'>
>>> len(new_string)

Python Docs - More on Strings

  • string.find('you') Returns the lowest position that the substring is found at.

  • str.join(iterable) Join all elements in an iterable with a specified string.

  • str.replace(old, new, max) method is used to replace the substring old with the string new for a total of max times. This method returns a new copy of the string with the replacement, and the original str is unchanged.

  • string.split(separator, maxsplit) Returns a list of substrings delimited by the separator, an optional maxsplit number of times, and if not specified, the string will be split on all instances of the separator.

  • string.strip(to_strip) Returns a string with to_strip removed from both the beginning and the end of the string. If to_strip is not specified, this will strip all whitespace characters.

  • string.format(to_add) Returns a formatted string with parameter to_add placed in the placeholder position. The placeholder has to be defined by a pair of curly braces {} int the string's value. The parameter, to_add can be anything amongst an integer, a floating point numerical, a string or even variables.