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Go Functions

Go Functions

A function takes zero or more parameters of any type, does some logic with them and may return one or more values. Golang's function syntax is:

func sum(parameter1 int64, parameter2 int64) int64 {
  return parameter1+parameter2

Here, the name of the function is sum. It takes to parameters, parameter1 and parameter2 of type int64 and returns another int64, the sum of the two parameters.


After a return is reached, the function exits without executing more code.

func sum(parameter1 int64, parameter2 int64) int64 {
  return parameter1+parameter2
  // Unreachable code
  fmt.Printf("Don't print me")

Calling a function

The above function would be called like this:

sum(4, 5)

The value of this expression is 9.

Omit parameter type

If two or more consecutive parameters are the same type, it may be stated only once.

function foo(x, y, z int64, name string) { 
  fmt.Printf("%d %d %d %s", x, y, z, name)

Here x, y, and z are type int64, and name is a string.

Returning multiple values

A function can return zero or more values. To return nothing, omit the return type:

function helloWorld() { 
  fmt.Printf("Hello world!")

To return one value specify its type:

function getHelloWorld() string { 
  return "Hello world!"

To return more than one value specify their types, wrapped in () and separated by commas:

function getHelloWorldAndBestLanguage() (string, string) { 
  return "Hello world!", "Golang"

To receive these values, simply declare variables separated by commas like this:

helloWorld, bestLanguage := getHelloWorldAndBestLanguage()
// helloWorld == "Hello world!"
// bestLanguage == "Golang"

Naked returns

You can name the return types so that you don't need to pass variable to the return statement:

func duplicate(s string) (first, second string) {
  first = s
  last = s

func main() {
	fmt.Println(split("Hello world!")) // ("Hello world!", "Hello world!")

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