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title: Strings
# Strings
Strings are sequences of characters. In Java, a `String` is an `Object`. Strings should not be confused with `char` as characters are literally a single value rather than a sequence of characters. You can still use a single value within a String, however, it is preferred to use `char` when you are checking for a single character.
String course = "FCC";
System.out.println(course instanceof Object);
You can create a String Object in the following ways:
1. `String str = "I am a String"; //as a String literal`
1. `String str = "I am a " + "String"; //as a constant expression`
1. `String str = new String("I am a String"); //as a String Object using the constructor`
You might be thinking: What's the difference between the three?
Well, using the `new` keyword guarantees that a new `String` object will be created and a new memory location will be allocated in the `Heap`
memory [(click here to learn more)]( String
literals and constant String expressions are cached at compile time. The compiler puts them in the String Literal Pool to prevent duplicates
and improve memory consumption. Object allocation is expensive and this trick increases performance while instantiating Strings. If you use
the same literal again, the JVM uses the same object. Using the contructor like above is almost always a worse choice.
In this code snippet, how many String objects are created?
String str = "This is a string";
String str2 = "This is a string";
String str3 = new String("This is a string");
The answer is: **2** String objects are created. `str` and `str2` both refer to the same object. `str3` has the same content but using `new` forced
the creation of a new, distinct, object.
When you create a String literal, the JVM internally checks, what is known as the `String pool`, to see if it can find a similar (content wise)
String object. If it finds it, it returns the same reference. Otherwise, it just goes ahead and creates a new String object in the pool so that
the same check can be performed in the future.
You can test this using the swallow, fast Object comparison `==` and the implemented `equals()`.
System.out.println(str == str2); // This prints 'true'
System.out.println(str == str3); // This prints 'false'
System.out.println(str.equals(str3)); // This prints 'true'
Here's another example on how to create a string in Java using the different methods:
public class StringExample{
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s1 = "java"; // creating string by Java string literal
char ch[] = {'s','t','r','i','n','g','s'};
String s2 = new String(ch); // converting char array to string
String s3 = new String("example"); // creating Java string by new keyword
System.out.println(s1); // prints "java"
System.out.println(s2); // prints "strings"
System.out.println(s3); // prints "example"
#### Comparing Strings
If you want to compare the value of two String variables, you can't use `==`. This is due to the fact that this will compare the references of the variables
and not the values that are linked to them. To compare the stored values of the Strings you use the `.equals()` method.
boolean equals(Object obj)
It returns true if two objects are equal and false otherwise.
String str = "Hello world";
String str2 = "Hello world";
System.out.println(str == str2); // This prints true
System.out.println(str.equals(str2)); // This prints true
The first comparison is true because "==" looks at the references and they are the same, because the JVM simply returns a reference
to the same `"Hello world"` object created in the String Pool the first time.
The second comparison is true because the variables store the same values. In this case - `"Hello world"`.
We have several inbuilt methods in String. The following is an example of the String Length() method .
public class StringDemo {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String palindrome = "Dot saw I was Tod";
int len = palindrome.length();
System.out.println( "String Length is : " + len );
This will result in - `String Length is : 17`
<B>The answer is: 2 </B> String objects are created.
1. String methods use zero-based indexes, except for the second argument of `substring()`.
2. The String class is final - it's methods can't be overridden.
3. When the String literal is found by JVM, it is added to string literal pool.
4. String class posses a method name `length()`, while arrays have an attribute naming length.
5. In java, string objects are immutable. Immutable simply means unmodifiable or unchangeable. Once string object is created its data or state can't be changed but a new string object is created.
String Length
The "length" of a string is just the number of chars in it. So "hi" is length 2 and "Hello" is length 5. The length() method on a string returns its length, like this:
String a = "Hello";
int len = a.length(); // len is 5
#### Other comparison methods which can also be used on the String are :
1. equalsIgnoreCase() :- compares the string without taking into consideration the case sensitivity.
String a = "HELLO";
String b = "hello";
System.out.println(a.equalsIgnoreCase(b)); // It will print true
2. compareTo :- compares the value lexicographically and returns an integer.
String a = "Sam";
String b = "Sam";
String c = "Ram";
System.out.println(a.compareTo(b)); // 0
System.out.prinltn(a.compareTo(c)); // 1 since (a>b)
System.out.println(c.compareTo(a)); // -1 since (c<a)
#### Splitting Strings
If you want to split a string into multiple parts it can easily be done through ```.split()``` this creates an array of the split up parts of the string.
Example of using a delimiter (",") to split a string
String text = "Hello, World";
String[] textParts = text.split(",");
The result will be:
We can also split the string by specifing the start and end index of the characters in the string. We will do this using the Java function called ```.substring()```.
The ```.substring()``` method can be used in two ways. One with only the starting index and one with both the start and end index. Take note that the index starts from 0.
String text = "Hello,My name is Bob";
Will produce
My Name is Bob
To use it with an ending index take note that the actual ending index is -1 of the value passed into the method.
Now using ```.substring()``` with an ending index
String text = "Hello,My name is Bob";
The result will be:
**More Information:**
- [String Documentation](