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title: MongoDB
## MongoDB
MongoDB is an open-source non-relational Database that uses a JSON like structure to store data.
It uses a document model to store and retrieve the data instead of the table model used by sequential databases such as SQL or Oracle.
MongoDB is a distributed database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and geographic distribution are built in and easy to use.
| MongoDB Terms And Concepts | SQL Terms and Concepts |
| --- | --- |
| Database | Database |
| Collection | Table |
| document | Row |
| Field | Column |
| Index | Index |
| Embedded Documents | Table Joins |
### MongoDB Characteristics
1. Next Generation Database
2. No Joins
3. Clustering
4. Opensource
5. Schema less
6. No Relationships
### Features of MongoDB
1. Document Database
2. High Performance
3. Rich Query Language
4. High Availability
5. Horizontal Scalability
### More Information
[What is Mongo DB?](
[Wikipedia article on Document-oriented Databases](
[SQL vs NoSQL](
[Learn MongoDB from MongoDB](
[MongoDB Documentation](