
865 B

If Else Statement

If Else Statement

The If-Else statement executes a block of code depending on whether your precondition is fullfilled or not.


if(boolean expression)
// execute this code block if expression evalutes to true
// always execute this code block when above if expression is false

int Price = 30;

If (Price == 30)
  Console.WriteLine("Price is equal to 30.");

  Console.WriteLine("Price is not equal to 30.");

Since we already declared our int Price to be 30, this will be the expected output.


Price is equal to 30.

Shorten If Else Statement

We can use the ternary :? which is great for short if else statements. For example:

int Price=30;
(Price==30)?Console.WriteLine("Price is Equal to 30."):Console.WriteLine("Price is Not Equal to 30.")