0 How to create a new plugin ?
Nicolas Hennion edited this page 2023-10-14 09:40:30 +02:00

First of all, have a look on existing plugins and ask you a simple question: is it possible to improve an existing plugin instead of create a new one ?

Second question, is it possible to use a AMP configuration ? Glances proposes an Application Monitoring Process (AMP) where you can monitor and run action (script).

If you answer "no" to the previous questions, this page will drive you in the process of creating a new Glances plugin.

Create an issue on the official Github to explain your need

Open an issue (feature request) in order to explain your need and how you plan to the plugin.

Configure your development environment

Read the following Wiki page: https://github.com/nicolargo/glances/wiki/How-to-contribute-to-Glances-%3F

Start coding the new foo plugin

foo is an example... to be replace by your plugin name.

Create the plugin script

In the glances/plugins folder, create a glances_foo.py file.

You can use the following skeleton: https://gist.github.com/nicolargo/505e5603217c8c4f8adf779dda558841

This skeleton is only compliant with Glances 2.x.

Init your plugin in the main script

Edit the glances/main.py script and add the following line in the init_args method of the GlancesMain classe:

parser.add_argument('--disable-foo', action='store_true', default=False, dest='disable_foo', help='disable Foo module')

Add your plugin in the curses interface

Edit the glances/outputs/glances_curses.py script and add your plugin to one of the following functions (where you want the plugin to be displayed):

  • self.__display_firstline
  • self.__display_secondline
  • self.__display_left
  • self.__display_right(__stat_display)

Also add shortcut to the _hotkeys variable in the _GlancesCurses classe.

Add your plugin in the Web interface

Create a glances/outputs/static/html/plugins/foo.html page with the following line:

<span class="title">{{ statsCloud.getProvider() }}</span> {{ statsCloud.getInstance() }}

Add the following line to the glances/outputs/static/html/stats.html page (where you want the plugin to be displayed):

<div class="pull-left">
    <section id="foo" ng-include src="'plugins/foo.html'"></section>

Edit the glances/outputs/static/js/controllers.js file and insert the following line in the GlancesStats.getData function:

$scope.statsCloud = GlancesStats.getPlugin('foo');

Edit the glances/outputs/static/js/services/core/stats.js file and insert add the following line to the _plugins variable:

'foo': 'GlancesPluginFoo',

Create the glances/outputs/static/js/services/plugins/cloud.js file with the following content (to be adapted to your needs):

glancesApp.service('GlancesPluginCloud', function() {
    var _pluginName = "cloud";
    var _provider = null;
    var _instance = null;

    this.setData = function(data, views) {
        data = data[_pluginName];
        data = {"region": "R", "instance-type": "IT", "ami-id": "AMI", "instance-id": "IID"};

        if (data['ami-id'] !== undefined) {
          _provider = 'AWS EC2';
          _instance =  data['instance-type'] + ' instance ' + data['instance-id'] + ' (' + data['region'] + ')';

    this.getProvider = function() {
      return _provider;

    this.getInstance = function() {
      return _instance;

And finally generate the public files (read the README file).


Test your branch with both Python 2 and Python 3.

Pull request

... on the DEVELOP branch !

The end...