electron: file watcher wip

Tienson Qin 2021-01-23 01:14:45 +08:00
parent a73b4e242f
commit 26be1ff969
14 changed files with 202 additions and 53 deletions

View File

@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
"cljs:build-electron": "clojure -A:cljs compile app electron"
"dependencies": {
"chokidar": "^3.5.1",
"codemirror": "^5.58.1",
"diff": "5.0.0",
"diff-match-patch": "^1.0.5",

View File

@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('apis', {
return await ipcRenderer.invoke('main', arg)
on: (channel, callback) => {
const newCallback = (_, data) => callback(data);
ipcRenderer.on(channel, newCallback);
checkForUpdates: async (...args) => {
await ipcRenderer.invoke('check-for-updates', ...args)

View File

@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]
["fs" :as fs]
["path" :as path]
["chokidar" :as watcher]
[promesa.core :as p]
[goog.object :as gobj]))
[goog.object :as gobj]
[clojure.string :as string]))
(defmulti handle (fn [_window args] (keyword (first args))))
@ -64,6 +66,54 @@
(defmethod handle :getFiles [window [_ path]]
(get-files path))
(defn- get-file-ext
(last (string/split file #"\.")))
(defonce file-watcher-chan "file-watcher")
(defn send-file-watcher! [win type payload]
(prn "file watch: " {:type type
:payload payload})
(.. win -webContents
(send file-watcher-chan
(bean/->js {:type type :payload payload}))))
(defn watch-dir!
[win dir]
(let [watcher (.watch watcher dir
{:ignored #"^\."
:persistent true
:awaitWriteFinish true}))]
(.on watcher "add"
(fn [path]
(send-file-watcher! win "add"
{:dir dir
:path path
:content (read-file path)
:stat (fs/statSync path)})))
(.on watcher "change"
(fn [path]
(send-file-watcher! win "change"
{:dir dir
:path path
:content (read-file path)
:stat (fs/statSync path)})))
(.on watcher "unlink"
(fn [path]
(send-file-watcher! win "unlink"
{:dir dir
:path path})))
(.on watcher "error"
(fn [path]
(println "Watch error happend: "
{:path path})))
(defmethod handle :addDirWatcher [window [_ dir]]
(when dir
(watch-dir! window dir)))
(defmethod handle :default [args]
(println "Error: no ipc handler for: " (bean/->js args)))

View File

@ -299,6 +299,10 @@
(string/replace s local-db-prefix ""))
(defn get-local-repo
(str local-db-prefix dir))
(defn get-repo-dir
(if (util/electron?)

View File

@ -105,6 +105,10 @@
[(:path dir) paths])
(defn watch-dir!
(protocol/watch-dir! node-record dir))
(defn mkdir-if-not-exists
(when dir

View File

@ -35,4 +35,6 @@
(open-dir [this ok-handler]
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(watch-dir! [this dir]

View File

@ -198,4 +198,8 @@
(utils/openDirectory #js {:recursive true}
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(utils/getFiles path-or-handle true ok-handler)))
(utils/getFiles path-or-handle true ok-handler))
;; TODO:
(watch-dir! [this dir]

View File

@ -44,4 +44,6 @@
(open-dir [this ok-handler]
(ipc/ipc "openDir" {}))
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]
(ipc/ipc "getFiles" path-or-handle)))
(ipc/ipc "getFiles" path-or-handle))
(watch-dir! [this dir]
(ipc/ipc "addDirWatcher" dir)))

View File

@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
(rename! [this repo old-path new-path])
(stat [this dir path])
(open-dir [this ok-handler])
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler]))
(get-files [this path-or-handle ok-handler])
(watch-dir! [this dir]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
(ns frontend.fs.watcher-handler
(:require [clojure.core.async :as async]
[lambdaisland.glogi :as log]
[frontend.handler.file :as file-handler]
[frontend.handler.page :as page-handler]
[frontend.config :as config]
[cljs-bean.core :as bean]))
(defn handle-changed!
[type {:keys [dir path content stat] :as payload}]
(when dir
(let [repo (config/get-local-repo dir)]
(prn "handle file notifier: "
{:repo repo
:type type
:payload payload})
;; (cond
;; (contains? #{"add" "change"} type)
;; ;; TODO: check content and mtime
;; (file-handler/alter-file repo path content {})
;; (= "unlink" type)
;; ;; TODO: Remove page and blocks too
;; ;; what if it's a mistaken, should we put it to .trash to have a way to restore it back?
;; (file-handler/remove-file! repo path)
;; :else
;; (log/error :fs/watcher-no-handler {:type type
;; :payload payload}))
(defn run-dirs-watcher!
;; TODO: move "file-watcher" to electron.ipc.channels
(js/window.apis.on "file-watcher"
(fn [data]
(let [{:keys [type payload]} (bean/->clj data)]
(handle-changed! type payload)))))

View File

@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
[frontend.handler.ui :as ui-handler]
[frontend.handler.export :as export-handler]
[frontend.handler.web.nfs :as nfs]
[frontend.fs.watcher-handler :as fs-watcher-handler]
[frontend.ui :as ui]
[goog.object :as gobj]
[frontend.idb :as idb]
@ -105,7 +106,8 @@
(fn []
(js/console.error "Failed to request GitHub app tokens."))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :db/restore-failed error))))))]
;; clear this interval
@ -156,4 +158,6 @@
(reset! db/*sync-search-indice-f search/sync-search-indice!)
(when (util/electron?)

View File

@ -306,3 +306,14 @@
(<p! (apply alter-files-handler! args)))
(defn watch-for-local-dirs!
(when (util/electron?)
(let [repos (->> (state/get-repos)
(filter (fn [repo]
(config/local-db? (:url repo)))))
directories (map (fn [repo] (config/get-repo-dir (:url repo))) repos)]
(doseq [dir directories]
(prn "watch for dir changes: " dir)
(fs/watch-dir! dir)))))

View File

@ -205,6 +205,54 @@
:modified modified
:deleted deleted}))
(defn- handle-diffs!
[repo nfs? old-files new-files handle-path path-handles re-index?]
(let [get-file-f (fn [path files] (some #(when (= (:file/path %) path) %) files))
{:keys [added modified deleted] :as diffs} (compute-diffs old-files new-files)
;; Use the same labels as isomorphic-git
rename-f (fn [typ col] (mapv (fn [file] {:type typ :path file}) col))
_ (when (and nfs? (seq deleted))
(let [deleted (doall
(-> (map (fn [path] (if (= "/" (first path))
(str "/" path))) deleted)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(let [handle-path (str handle-path path)]
(idb/remove-item! handle-path)
(nfs/remove-nfs-file-handle! handle-path))) deleted))))
added-or-modified (set (concat added modified))
_ (when (and nfs? (seq added-or-modified))
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [handle (get @path-handles path)]
(idb/set-item! (str handle-path path) handle))) added-or-modified)))]
(-> (p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [file (get-file-f path new-files)]
(p/let [content (if nfs?
(.text (:file/file file))
(:file/content file))]
(assoc file :file/content content)))) added-or-modified))
(p/then (fn [result]
(let [files (map #(dissoc % :file/file :file/handle) result)
non-modified? (fn [file]
(let [content (:file/content file)
old-content (:file/content (get-file-f (:file/path file) old-files))]
(= content old-content)))
non-modified-files (->> (filter non-modified? files)
(map :file/path))
[modified-files modified] (if re-index?
[files (set modified)]
[(remove non-modified? files) (set/difference (set modified) (set non-modified-files))])
diffs (concat
(rename-f "remove" deleted)
(rename-f "add" added)
(rename-f "modify" modified))]
(when (or (and (seq diffs) (seq modified-files))
(seq diffs))
(repo-handler/load-repo-to-db! repo
{:diffs diffs
:nfs-files modified-files}))))))))
(defn- reload-dir!
(reload-dir! repo false))
@ -236,53 +284,8 @@
(contains? file-paths
(string/replace-first path (str dir-name "/") ""))))
(into {})))))
(set-files! @path-handles))
get-file-f (fn [path files] (some #(when (= (:file/path %) path) %) files))
{:keys [added modified deleted] :as diffs} (compute-diffs old-files new-files)
;; Use the same labels as isomorphic-git
rename-f (fn [typ col] (mapv (fn [file] {:type typ :path file}) col))
_ (when (and nfs? (seq deleted))
(let [deleted (doall
(-> (map (fn [path] (if (= "/" (first path))
(str "/" path))) deleted)
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(let [handle-path (str handle-path path)]
(idb/remove-item! handle-path)
(nfs/remove-nfs-file-handle! handle-path))) deleted))))
added-or-modified (set (concat added modified))
_ (when (and nfs? (seq added-or-modified))
(p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [handle (get @path-handles path)]
(idb/set-item! (str handle-path path) handle))) added-or-modified)))]
(-> (p/all (map (fn [path]
(when-let [file (get-file-f path new-files)]
(p/let [content (if nfs?
(.text (:file/file file))
(:file/content file))]
(assoc file :file/content content)))) added-or-modified))
(p/then (fn [result]
(let [files (map #(dissoc % :file/file :file/handle) result)
non-modified? (fn [file]
(let [content (:file/content file)
old-content (:file/content (get-file-f (:file/path file) old-files))]
(= content old-content)))
non-modified-files (->> (filter non-modified? files)
(map :file/path))
[modified-files modified] (if re-index?
[files (set modified)]
[(remove non-modified? files) (set/difference (set modified) (set non-modified-files))])
diffs (concat
(rename-f "remove" deleted)
(rename-f "add" added)
(rename-f "modify" modified))]
(when (or (and (seq diffs) (seq modified-files))
(seq diffs) ; delete
(repo-handler/load-repo-to-db! repo
{:diffs diffs
:nfs-files modified-files})))))))))
(set-files! @path-handles))]
(handle-diffs! repo nfs? old-files new-files handle-path path-handles re-index?))))
(p/catch (fn [error]
(log/error :nfs/load-files-error error)))
(p/finally (fn [_]

View File

@ -1097,6 +1097,21 @@ chokidar@^3.3.0, chokidar@^3.3.1:
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anymatch "~3.1.1"
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