Design refresh

Ben Yorke 2023-10-24 17:35:51 +02:00
parent 3325f47136
commit 7a7c3b9c62
6 changed files with 166 additions and 169 deletions

View File

@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
[:span text-string])))))
;; result-item
(rum/defc root [{:keys [icon icon-theme query text info shortcut value-label value title highlighted on-highlight on-highlight-dep header on-click hoverable compact] :as _props :or {hoverable true}}
(rum/defc root [{:keys [icon icon-theme query text info shortcut value-label value title highlighted on-highlight on-highlight-dep header on-click hoverable compact rounded] :as _props :or {hoverable true rounded true}}
{:keys [app-config] :as context}]
(let [ref (rum/create-ref)
highlight-query (partial highlight-query* app-config query)]
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@
:mix-blend-mode (if highlighted :normal :luminosity)}
:class (cond-> "flex flex-col grayscale"
highlighted (str " !grayscale-0 !opacity-100 bg-gray-03-alpha dark:bg-gray-04-alpha")
hoverable (str " !rounded-lg transition-all duration-50 ease-in !opacity-75 hover:!opacity-100 hover:grayscale-0 hover:cursor-pointer hover:bg-gradient-to-r hover:from-gray-03-alpha hover:to-gray-01-alpha")
hoverable (str " transition-all duration-50 ease-in !opacity-75 hover:!opacity-100 hover:grayscale-0 hover:cursor-pointer hover:bg-gradient-to-r hover:from-gray-03-alpha hover:to-gray-01-alpha")
(and hoverable rounded) (str " !rounded-lg")
(not compact) (str " py-4 px-6 gap-1")
compact (str " py-1.5 px-3.5 gap-0.5")
(not highlighted) (str " "))

View File

@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
visible-items (fn [group]
(let [{:keys [items show-more]} (get results group)]
(if show-more items (take 5 items))))
results [["Recents" :recents (visible-items :recents)]
results [["Filters" :filters (visible-items :filters)]
["Recents" :recents (visible-items :recents)]
["Search actions" :search-actions (visible-items :search-actions)]
["Current page" :current-page (visible-items :current-page)]
["Commands" :commands (visible-items :commands)]
@ -247,6 +248,40 @@
; (swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items recent-items})))
(defmethod load-results :filters [group state]
(let [!input (::input state)
!results (::results state)
has-double-colon (string/includes? @!input "::")
[_ pkey pval] (when has-double-colon (re-matches #"^.*?(\S*)::\s?(\S*)" @!input))
replace-pkey #(swap! (::input state) string/replace #"\S*::" (str % "::"))
replace-pval #(swap! (::input state) string/replace #"::\s?(\S*)" (str "::" %))
items (cond
(not has-double-colon) []
(empty? pkey) (->> (search/property-search pval)
(map #(hash-map :icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text % :source-adjustment (partial replace-pkey %))))
:else (->> (search/property-value-search pval pkey)
(map #(hash-map :icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text % :source-adjustment (partial replace-pval %)))))
; [{:icon "search"
; :icon-theme :gray
; :text "Testing search filters"}]
; [])\]]
items (if-not (and has-double-colon (empty? pkey)) items
(->> [{:icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text "Filter commands" :value :filter-commands :source-group :commands}
{:icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text "Filter pages" :value :filter-pages :source-group :pages}
{:icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text "Filter blocks" :value :filter-blocks :source-group :blocks}
{:icon "search" :icon-theme :gray :text "Filter whiteboards" :value :filter-whiteboards :source-group :whiteboards}]
(filter #(string/includes? (lower-case-str (pr-str %)) (lower-case-str pval)))
(into items)))]
(js/console.log "load-results/filters" #js {:pkey pkey :pval pval})
(swap! !results assoc group {:status :success :items items})))
(let [[_ pkey pval] (re-matches #".*?(\S*)::\s?(\S*)" " testing for a ::val")]
[pkey pval])
(string/includes? "adufghwrjg" "")
; (search/property-search "a")
;; The default load-results function triggers all the other load-results function
(defmethod load-results :default [_ state]
(js/console.log "load-results/default" @(::input state))
@ -257,6 +292,7 @@
(load-results :commands state)
(load-results :blocks state)
(load-results :pages state)
(load-results :filters state)
; (load-results :files state)
(load-results :recents state))))
; ; (load-results :whiteboards state)
@ -349,7 +385,6 @@
create-page? (= :page (:source-create item))
alt? (some-> state ::alt deref)
!input (::input state)]
(js/console.log "handle-action/create" create-whiteboard? create-page? alt? @!input item)
(and create-whiteboard? alt?) (whiteboard-handler/create-new-whiteboard-page! @!input)
(and create-whiteboard? (not alt?)) (whiteboard-handler/create-new-whiteboard-and-redirect! @!input)
@ -357,6 +392,16 @@
(and create-page? (not alt?)) (page-handler/create! @!input {:redirect? true}))
(close-unless-alt! state)))
(defmethod handle-action :testing [_ state event]
(let [!filter (::filter state)
item (some-> state state->highlighted-item)]
(js/log "TESTING" (clj->js item))
(when-let [adjustment (:source-adjustment item)]
(load-results :filters state))
(when-let [group (:source-group item)]
(swap! !filter assoc :group group))))
(rum/defc result-group < rum/reactive
[state title group visible-items first-item]
(let [{:keys [show-more items]} (some-> state ::results deref group)
@ -371,7 +416,7 @@
(.indexOf items highlighted-item))
(when (< (dec GROUP-LIMIT) (.indexOf items highlighted-item))
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) (nth items 4 nil))))]
[:div {:class "border-b border-gray-07"}
[:div {:class "border-b border-gray-06 pb-1 last:border-b-0"}
[:div {:class "text-xs py-1.5 px-6 flex justify-between items-center gap-2 text-gray-11 bg-gray-02"}
[:div {:class "font-bold text-gray-11"} title]
(when (not= group :create)
@ -391,14 +436,19 @@
:let [highlighted? (= item highlighted-item)]]
(shui/list-item (assoc item
:query (when-not (= group :create) @(::input state))
:compact true
:rounded false
:highlighted highlighted?
;; for some reason, the highlight effect does not always trigger on a
;; boolean value change so manually pass in the dep
:on-highlight-dep highlighted-item
:on-click (fn []
:on-click (fn [e]
(if highlighted?
(when-let [action (some-> state ::actions deref last)]
(handle-action action state item))
(when-let [on-click (:on-click item)]
(on-click e)))
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) item)))
:on-highlight (fn [ref]
(when (and ref (.-current ref) (< 2 (:item-index item)))
@ -407,6 +457,7 @@
:behavior "smooth"})))
(case group
:search-actions (reset! (::actions state) [:close :filter])
:filters (reset! (::actions state) [:testing])
:commands (reset! (::actions state) [:close :trigger])
:pages (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-page-ref :open-page-right :open-page])
:blocks (reset! (::actions state) [:close :copy-block-ref :open-block-right :open-block])
@ -443,13 +494,11 @@
(fn [state e]
(let [shift? (.-shiftKey e)
alt? (.-altKey e)]
(js/console.log "pressing key" @(::input state) (.-key e) (boolean (seq @(::input state))))
(reset! (::shift? state) shift?)
(reset! (::alt? state) alt?)
(when (#{"ArrowDown" "ArrowUp"} (.-key e))
(.preventDefault e))
(case (.-key e)
; "Escape" (rum/dispatch! :close)
"ArrowDown" (move-highlight state 1)
"ArrowUp" (move-highlight state -1)
"Enter" (if shift?
@ -461,13 +510,7 @@
(.preventDefault e)
(.stopPropagation e)
(handle-input-change state nil ""))
; "j" (when (.-metaKey e)
; (if (.-shiftKey e)
; (swap! state update :current-engine prev-engine)
; (swap! state update :current-engine next-engine)))
; "ArrowUp" (rum/dispatch! :highlight-prev)
; "Enter" (rum/dispatch! :select)
(println "keydown-handler did not capture key: " (.-key e))))))
(defonce keyup-handler
(fn [state e]
@ -475,39 +518,6 @@
alt? (.-altKey e)]
(reset! (::shift? state) shift?)
(reset! (::alt? state) alt?))))
; (when (= "Escape" (.-key e))
; (js/console.log "escape intercepted keyup")
; (.preventDefault e)
; (.stopPropagation e)
; (reset! (::input state) nil)))))
(rum/defc page-preview [state highlighted]
(let [page-name (:source-page highlighted)]
(page/page {:page-name (if (uuid? page-name) (str page-name) (model/get-redirect-page-name page-name))
:whiteboard? true})))
(defn top-level-block
([block-uuid] (top-level-block block-uuid -1))
([block-uuid max-depth]
(assert (uuid? block-uuid) "top-level-block expects block-uuid to be of type uuid")
(loop [entity (db/entity [:block/uuid block-uuid]) depth 0]
(= depth max-depth) entity
(some-> entity :block/parent :block/parent) (recur (:block/parent entity) (inc depth))
:else entity))))
(rum/defc block-preview [state highlighted]
(let [block (:source-block highlighted)
block-uuid-str (str (:block/uuid block))
top-level-block (top-level-block (uuid block-uuid-str))
top-level-block-uuid (str (:block/uuid top-level-block))]
; ((state/get-component :block/single-block) (uuid (:block/uuid block)))))
; ((state/get-component :block/container) block)
; ((state/get-component :block/embed) (uuid (:block/uuid block)))))
; (block/block-container {} block)))
(page/page {:parameters {:path {:name top-level-block-uuid}}
:sidebar? true
:repo (state/get-current-repo)})))
(defn print-group-name [group]
(case group
@ -564,34 +574,37 @@
:on-change (partial handle-input-change state)
:value input}]]))
(rum/defc resize-preview < rum/reactive
(let [on-pointer-down (fn [e]
(js/console.log "pointer down")
(reset! (::resizing? state) true)
(.setPointerCapture ^js (.-currentTarget e) (.-pointerId e)))
; (.. e -currentTarget -setPointerCapture (.-pointerId e))
on-pointer-move (fn [e]
(when @(::resizing? state)
(when-let [cmdk (.closest ^js (.-target e) ".cp__cmdk")]
(let [rect (.getBoundingClientRect ^js cmdk)
left (.-left rect)
width (.-width rect)
percentage (-> (.-clientX e) (- left) (* -1) (+ width) (/ width) (* 100))]
(when-let [preview (.closest ^js (.-target e) ".cp__cmdk-preview")]
(js/console.log "pointer move" percentage)
(set! (.. preview -style -width) (str percentage "%")))))))
on-pointer-up (fn [e]
(reset! (::resizing? state) false))]
[:div {:on-pointer-down on-pointer-down
:on-pointer-move on-pointer-move
:on-pointer-up on-pointer-up
:class "bg-transparent border-l border-r border-gray-06 w-2 h-full hover:cursor-col-resize"}]))
(rum/defc input-row-sidebar
[state all-items]
(let [highlighted-item @(::highlighted-item state)
input @(::input state)
input-ref (::input-ref state)]
;; use-effect [results-ordered input] to check whether the highlighted item is still in the results,
;; if not then clear that puppy out!
;; This was moved to a fucntional component
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(when (= -1 (.indexOf all-items highlighted-item))
(reset! (::highlighted-item state) nil)))
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(load-results :default state))
(rum/use-effect! (fn []
(js/setTimeout #(when (some-> input-ref deref) (.focus @input-ref)) 0))
[:div {:class "bg-gray-04 text-white flex items-center px-2 gap-2"}
(ui/rotating-arrow false)
(shui/icon "search" {:class "text-gray-12"})
[:input {:class "text-base bg-transparent border-none w-full outline-none py-2"
:placeholder "What are you looking for?"
:ref #(reset! input-ref %)
:on-change (partial handle-input-change state)
:value input}]
(shui/icon "x" {:class "text-gray-11"})]))
(rum/defcs cmdk <
(rum/local "" ::input)
; (rum/local 0 ::highlight-index)
(rum/local false ::shift?)
(rum/local false ::alt?)
(rum/local nil ::highlighted-item)
@ -605,6 +618,7 @@
(rum/local nil ::input-ref)
(rum/local false ::resizing?)
{:did-mount (fn [state]
(when-not (some-> state :rum/args first :sidebar?)
(let [next-keydown-handler (partial keydown-handler state)
next-keyup-handler (partial keyup-handler state)]
;; remove pre existing handlers
@ -617,7 +631,7 @@
(js/window.addEventListener "keyup" next-keyup-handler true)
;; save references to functions for cleanup later
(reset! (::keydown-handler state) next-keydown-handler)
(reset! (::keyup-handler state) next-keyup-handler))
(reset! (::keyup-handler state) next-keyup-handler)))
:will-unmount (fn [state]
;; remove save references to key handlers
@ -636,7 +650,7 @@
; (js/setTimeout #(set! (.-scrollTop ref) FILTER-ROW-HEIGHT)))
; (load-results :initial state)))}
[state {:keys []}]
[state {:keys [sidebar?]}]
(let [input @(::input state)
actions @(::actions state)
; highlight-index @(::highlight-index state)
@ -646,61 +660,42 @@
all-items (mapcat last results-ordered)
first-item (first all-items)
highlighted-item (or @(::highlighted-item state) first-item)
preview? (or (:source-page highlighted-item) (:source-block highlighted-item))
shift? @(::shift? state)
alt? @(::alt? state)]
; (rum/use-effect! #(load-results :initial state) [])
[:div.cp__cmdk {:class "-m-8 max-w-[90dvw] max-h-[90dvh] w-[60rem] h-[30.7rem] "}
(input-row state all-items)
[:div {:class "flex w-full"} ;;#_(str "grid" (if preview? " grid-cols-2" " grid-cols-1"))}
[:div {:class "pt-1 overflow-y-auto h-96 flex-1"
[:div.cp__cmdk {:class (cond-> "w-full h-full relative flex flex-col justify-start"
(not sidebar?) (str " border border-gray-06 rounded-lg overflow-hidden"))}
(if sidebar?
(input-row-sidebar state all-items)
(input-row state all-items))
[:div {:class (cond-> "w-full flex-1 overflow-y-auto max-h-[65dvh]"
(not sidebar?) (str " pb-14"))
:ref #(when % (some-> state ::scroll-container-ref (reset! %)))
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-02)"}}
(filter-row state filter)
(when filter
(filter-row state filter))
(for [[group-name group-key group-items] results-ordered
:when (not-empty group-items)
:when (if-not group-filter true (= group-filter group-key))]
(result-group state group-name group-key group-items first-item))]
(when preview?
[:div {:class "h-96 bg-gray-01 dark:bg-gray-02 cp__cmdk-preview w-1/2 flex relative"}
(resize-preview state)
[:div {:class "flex-1 h-full shrunk-0 relative"}
[:div {:class "w-[200%] h-[200%] overflow-y-auto absolute scale-50 origin-top-left px-4 py-8"}
(:source-page highlighted-item)
(page-preview state highlighted-item)
(:source-block highlighted-item)
(block-preview state highlighted-item))]]])]
[:div {:class "absolute right-4 bottom-4 shadow-gray-02"
:style {:box-shadow (str "0px 0px 9.7px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8), "
"0px 0px 23.3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.575), "
"0px 0px 43.8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.477), "
"0px 0px 78.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4), "
"0px 0px 146.2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.323), "
"0px 0px 350px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.255) ")}}
(shui/button {:text "Open" :theme :color} (make-shui-context))]]))
(rum/defc cmdk-modal [props]
[:div {:class "cp__cmdk__modal rounded-lg max-h-[75dvh] w-[90dvw] max-w-4xl shadow-xl relative"}
(cmdk props)
(ui/icon "x" {:class "absolute -right-[0.6rem] -top-[0.6rem] text-gray-11 hover:text-gray-12 cursor-pointer bg-gray-06 rounded-full p-1 text-sm hover:shadow-lg hover:scale-110 transition-all ease-in duration-100"
:size "16"
:on-click #(state/close-modal!)})])
(rum/defc cmdk-block [props]
[:div {:class "cp__cmdk__block rounded-md overflow-hidden"}
(cmdk props)])
[:div {:class "flex justify-between w-full px-4"
:style {:background "var(--lx-gray-03)"
:border-top "1px solid var(--lx-gray-07)"}}
[:div {:class "flex items-stretch gap-2"}
(for [[tab-name tab-icon] [["Search" "search"]]
; ["Capture" "square-plus"]]
:let [active? (= tab-name "Search")]]
[:div {:class "flex items-center px-1.5 gap-1 relative"}
(when active?
[:div {:class "absolute inset-x-0 top-0 h-0.5 bg-gray-500"}])
(when active?
(shui/icon tab-icon {:size "16"}))
[:div {:class ""} tab-name]])]
[:div {:class "flex items-center py-3 gap-4"}
(for [action actions
:let [on-click (partial handle-action action state)
str-alt #(if alt? (str % " (keep open)") %)]
:when (if shift?
(#{:open-page-right :open-block-right :trigger :filter :close :open} action)
(#{:open-page :open-block :copy-page-ref :copy-block-ref :trigger :filter :close :create :open} action))]
(case action
:copy-page-ref (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Copy") :theme :gray :on-click on-click :shortcut ["cmd" "c"]} (make-shui-context))
:copy-block-ref (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Copy") :theme :gray :on-click on-click :shortcut ["cmd" "c"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-page-right (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open in sidebar") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-page (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-block-right (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open in sidebar") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open-block (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open page") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:open (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Open") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:trigger (shui/button {:text (str-alt "Trigger") :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:create (shui/button {:text "Create" :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))
:close (shui/button {:text "Close" :theme :text :on-click on-click} (make-shui-context))
:filter (shui/button {:text "Filter" :theme :color :on-click on-click :shortcut ["return"]} (make-shui-context))))]]]))

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(:require [cljs-bean.core :as bean]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.components.block :as block]
[frontend.components.cmdk :as cmdk]
[frontend.components.onboarding :as onboarding]
[ :as page]
[frontend.components.shortcut :as shortcut]
@ -422,10 +423,13 @@
(if @*anim-finished?
(cmdk/cmdk-block {:sidebar? true})
(for [[idx [repo db-id block-type]] (medley/indexed blocks)]
(sidebar-item repo idx db-id block-type block-count)
(str "sidebar-block-" db-id)))
(str "sidebar-block-" db-id)))]
[:span.font-medium.opacity-50 "Loading ..."]])]]]))

View File

@ -416,13 +416,11 @@
(defmethod handle :go/cmdk [_]
(when-not (= cmdk/cmdk (:modal/panel-content @state/state))
(state/set-modal! ; (partial cmdk {} (make-context {:blocks-container block/blocks-container :page-cp block/page-cp :page page/page}))
; cmdk
{:fullscreen? false
(state/set-modal! cmdk/cmdk-modal
{:fullscreen? true
:panel? false
:close-btn? false
:label "ls-modal-cmdk"
:shui? true})))
:label "ls-modal-cmdk"})))
(defmethod handle :go/plugins [_]

View File

@ -1397,7 +1397,7 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
(set-modal! modal-panel-content
{:fullscreen? false
:close-btn? true}))
([modal-panel-content {:keys [id label payload fullscreen? close-btn? close-backdrop? center? shui?]}]
([modal-panel-content {:keys [id label payload fullscreen? close-btn? close-backdrop? center? panel?]}]
(let [opened? (modal-opened?)]
(when opened?
@ -1414,9 +1414,9 @@ Similar to re-frame subscriptions"
:modal/panel-content modal-panel-content
:modal/payload payload
:modal/fullscreen? fullscreen?
:modal/panel? (if (boolean? panel?) panel? true)
:modal/close-btn? close-btn?
:modal/close-backdrop? (if (boolean? close-backdrop?) close-backdrop? true)
:modal/shui? shui?)))
:modal/close-backdrop? (if (boolean? close-backdrop?) close-backdrop? true))))
(defn close-modal!

View File

@ -590,19 +590,18 @@
(rum/defc modal-panel-content <
[panel-content close-fn shui?]
(if shui?
(panel-content {:close-fn close-fn} (make-shui-context nil nil))
(panel-content close-fn)))
[panel-content close-fn]
(panel-content close-fn))
(rum/defc modal-panel
[show? panel-content transition-state close-fn fullscreen? close-btn? shui?]
{:class (case transition-state
[show? panel-content transition-state close-fn fullscreen? close-btn? panel?]
{:class (cond-> (case transition-state
"entering" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95"
"entered" "ease-out duration-300 opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
"exiting" "ease-in duration-200 opacity-100 translate-y-0 sm:scale-100"
"exited" "ease-in duration-200 opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95")}
"exited" "ease-in duration-200 opacity-0 translate-y-4 sm:translate-y-0 sm:scale-95")
panel? (str " ui__modal-panel"))}
(when-not (false? close-btn?)
@ -619,7 +618,7 @@
(when show?
[:div {:class (if fullscreen? "" "panel-content")}
(modal-panel-content panel-content close-fn shui?)])])
(modal-panel-content panel-content close-fn)])])
(rum/defc modal < rum/reactive
@ -641,11 +640,11 @@
(let [modal-panel-content (state/sub :modal/panel-content)
fullscreen? (state/sub :modal/fullscreen?)
panel? (state/sub :modal/panel?)
close-btn? (state/sub :modal/close-btn?)
close-backdrop? (state/sub :modal/close-backdrop?)
show? (state/sub :modal/show?)
label (state/sub :modal/label)
shui? (state/sub :modal/shui?)
close-fn (fn []
@ -660,7 +659,7 @@
{:in show? :timeout 0}
(fn [state]
(modal-panel show? modal-panel-content state close-fn fullscreen? close-btn? shui?)))]))
(modal-panel show? modal-panel-content state close-fn fullscreen? close-btn? panel?)))]))
(defn make-confirm-modal
[{:keys [tag title sub-title sub-checkbox? on-cancel on-confirm]