feat(sync): support version files

rcmerci 2022-01-13 00:36:35 +08:00
parent 3c9c500959
commit d714ebba70
5 changed files with 87 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -38,8 +38,6 @@
(ui/icon "home" {:style {:fontSize ui/icon-size}})]))
(def hiding-login&file-sync true)
(rum/defc login < rum/reactive
(let [_ (state/sub :auth/id-token)]
@ -100,7 +98,7 @@
:icon (ui/icon "arrow-narrow-down")}) downloading-files)
(when sync-state
(map (fn [f] (:time f)
{:title [:div [:div (:path f)] [:div (util/time-ago (:time f))]]})
{:title [:div [:div (:path f)] [:div.opacity-50 (util/time-ago (:time f))]]})
(take 10 (.-history sync-state))))))
(cond-> {}

View File

@ -14,7 +14,9 @@
[frontend.handler.plugin :as plugin-handler]
[frontend.mobile.util :as mobile-util]
[electron.ipc :as ipc]
[frontend.config :as config]))
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.handler.user :as user-handler]
[frontend.handler.file-sync :as file-sync-handler]))
(defn- delete-page!
@ -68,7 +70,8 @@
favorited? (contains? (set (map util/page-name-sanity-lc favorites))
developer-mode? (state/sub [:ui/developer-mode?])
file-path (when (util/electron?) (page-handler/get-page-file-path))]
file-path (when (util/electron?) (page-handler/get-page-file-path))
_ (state/sub :auth/id-token)]
(when (and page (not block?))
[{:title (if favorited?
@ -81,13 +84,13 @@
(page-handler/favorite-page! page-original-name)))}}
(when-not (mobile-util/is-native-platform?)
{:title (t :page/presentation-mode)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(:db/id page)
{:page page}))}})
{:title (t :page/presentation-mode)
:options {:on-click (fn []
(:db/id page)
{:page page}))}})
;; TODO: In the future, we'd like to extract file-related actions
;; (such as open-in-finder & open-with-default-app) into a sub-menu of
@ -123,6 +126,10 @@
:options {:on-click
(fn []
(shell/get-file-latest-git-log page 100))}})
(when (and (user-handler/logged?) (not file-sync-handler/hiding-login&file-sync))
(when-let [graph-uuid (file-sync-handler/get-current-graph-uuid)]
{:title (t :page/file-sync-versions)
:options {:on-click #(file-sync-handler/list-file-versions graph-uuid page)}}))
(when (and (util/electron?) file-path)
{:title (t :page/open-backup-directory)

View File

@ -169,6 +169,7 @@
:page/make-public "Make it public for publishing"
:page/version-history "Check page history"
:page/open-backup-directory "Open page backups directory"
:page/file-sync-versions "Page versions"
:page/make-private "Make it private"
:page/delete "Delete page"
:page/publish "Publish this page on Logseq"
@ -1072,6 +1073,7 @@
:page/make-public "导出 HTML 时发布本页面"
:page/version-history "查看页面历史记录"
:page/open-backup-directory "打开页面备份文件夹"
:page/file-sync-versions "页面历史"
:page/make-private "导出 HTML 时取消发布本页面"
:page/delete "删除本页"
:page/publish "将本页发布至 Logseq"
@ -3412,7 +3414,8 @@
:page/open-with-default-app "Открыть через приложение по умолчанию"
:page/action-publish "Опубликовать"
:page/make-public "Сделать доступным для публикации"
:page/version-history "Проверить историю страницы"
:page/version-history "проверить историю git страницы"
:page/file-sync-versions "история страницы"
:page/make-private "Сделать приватным"
:page/delete "Удалить страницу"
:page/publish "Опубликовать эту страницу на Logseq"

View File

@ -16,6 +16,18 @@
[frontend.util.persist-var :as persist-var]
[rum.core :as rum]))
;;; Commentary
;;; file-sync related local files/dirs:
;;; - logseq/graphs-txid.edn
;;; this file contains graph-uuid & transaction-id
;;; graph-uuid: the unique identifier of the graph on the server
;;; transaction-id: sync progress of local files
;;; - logseq/version-files
;;; downloaded version-files
;;; files included by `get-ignore-files` will not be synchronized, see also `get-ignore-files`
;;; files in these `get-monitored-dirs` dirs will be synchronized.
;;; TODO: add some spec validate
(def ws-addr "wss://og96xf1si7.execute-api.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/production?graphuuid=%s")
@ -252,6 +264,7 @@
(get-remote-all-files-meta [this graph-uuid] "get all remote files' metadata")
(get-remote-files-meta [this graph-uuid filepaths] "get remote files' metadata")
(get-remote-graph [this graph-name-opt graph-uuid-opt] "get graph info by GRAPH-NAME-OPT or GRAPH-UUID-OPT")
(get-remote-file-versions [this graph-uuid filepath] "get file's version list")
(list-remote-graphs [this] "list all remote graphs")
(get-diff [this graph-uuid from-txid] "get diff from FROM-TXID, return [txns, latest-txid]")
(create-graph [this graph-name] "create graph"))
@ -406,6 +419,8 @@
(assoc :GraphName graph-name-opt)
(seq graph-uuid-opt)
(assoc :GraphUUID graph-uuid-opt))))
(get-remote-file-versions [this graph-uuid filepath]
(.request this "get_file_version_list" {:GraphUUID graph-uuid :File filepath}))
(list-remote-graphs [this]
(.request this "list_graphs"))
@ -440,6 +455,7 @@
(defn- update-txn [^FileTxnSet filetxnset txn]
(let [{:keys [TXType TXContent]} txn]
(let [files (->> (string/split-lines TXContent)
(remove empty?)
(mapv #(remove-user-graph-uuid-prefix %)))]
(case TXType
@ -608,7 +624,7 @@
(set-remote->local-syncer! [_ s] (set! remote->local-syncer s))
(get-ignore-files [_] #{#"logseq/graphs-txid.edn$" #"logseq/bak/.*"})
(get-ignore-files [_] #{#"logseq/graphs-txid.edn$" #"logseq/bak/.*" #"logseq/version-files/.*"})
(get-monitored-dirs [_] #{"assets/" "journals/" "logseq/" "pages/"})
(stop-local->remote! [_] (async/close! stop-chan))
@ -709,7 +725,6 @@
(or need-sync-remote unknown) r))))))))
;;; TODO: add synced-files history
(deftype SyncState [^:mutable state ^:mutable current-local->remote-files ^:mutable current-remote->local-files
^:mutable history]

View File

@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
(ns frontend.handler.file-sync
(:require [cljs.core.async :as async :refer [go timeout go-loop offer! poll! chan <! >!]]
(:require ["path" :as path]
[cljs-time.coerce :as tc]
[cljs.core.async :as async :refer [go timeout go-loop offer! poll! chan <! >!]]
[clojure.string :as string]
[frontend.config :as config]
[frontend.db :as db]
[frontend.fs.macro :refer [exception-> exception->>]]
[frontend.fs.sync :as sync]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]
[frontend.state :as state]
[frontend.util.persist-var :as persist-var]
[frontend.handler.notification :as notification]))
[frontend.util :as util]
[frontend.util.persist-var :as persist-var]))
(def hiding-login&file-sync true)
(def refresh-file-sync-component (atom false))
(defn graph-txid-exists?
@ -42,3 +48,42 @@
(persist-var/-reset-value! sync/graphs-txid [graph-uuid 0] (state/get-current-repo))
(persist-var/persist-save sync/graphs-txid)
(swap! refresh-file-sync-component not))
(defn- download-version-file [graph-uuid file-uuid version-uuid]
(let [key (path/join "version-files" file-uuid version-uuid)
r (<! (sync/update-local-files
sync/rsapi graph-uuid (config/get-repo-dir (state/get-current-repo)) [key]))]
(if (instance? ExceptionInfo r)
(notification/show! (ex-cause r) :error)
(notification/show! [:div
[:div "Downloaded version file at: "]
[:div key]] :success false)))))
(defn list-file-versions [graph-uuid page]
(let [file-id (:db/id (:block/file page))]
(when-let [path (:file/path (db/entity file-id))]
(let [base-path (config/get-repo-dir (state/get-current-repo))
path* (string/replace-first path base-path "")]
(let [version-list (:VersionList
(<! (sync/get-remote-file-versions sync/remoteapi graph-uuid path*)))]
(notification/show! [:div
[:div.font-bold "File history - " path*]
(for [version version-list]
(let [version-uuid (:VersionUUID version)]
[:div.my-4 {:key version-uuid}
{:on-click #(download-version-file graph-uuid
(:FileUUID version)
(:VersionUUID version))}
[:div.opacity-70 (str "Size: " (:Size version))]]
(util/time-ago (tc/from-string (:CreateTime version)))]]))]
:success false)))))))
(defn get-current-graph-uuid [] (first @sync/graphs-txid))