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Hi, welcome to Logseq!

  • Logseq is a privacy-first, open-source platform for knowledge management and collaboration.
  • This is a 3 minute tutorial on how to use Logseq. Let's get started!
  • Here are some tips that might be useful. #+BEGIN_TIP Click to edit any block. Type Enter to create a new block. Type Shift+Enter to create a new line. Type / to show all the commands. #+END_TIP
    1. Let's create a page called How to take dummy notes?. You can click it to go to that page, or you can Shift+Click to open it in the right sidebar! Now you should see both Linked References and Unlinked References.
    1. Let's reference some blocks on How to take dummy notes?, you can Shift+Click any block reference to open it in the right sidebar. Try making some changes on the right sidebar, those referenced blocks will be changed too!
    • ((5f713e91-8a3c-4b04-a33a-c39482428e2d)) : This is a block reference.
    • ((5f713ea8-8cba-403d-ac00-9964b1ec7190)) : This is another block reference.
    1. Do you support tags?
    • Of course, this is a #dummy tag.
    1. Do you support tasks like todo/doing/done and priorities?
    • Yes, type / and pick your favorite todo keyword or priority (A/B/C).

    • NOW [#A] A dummy tutorial on "How to take dummy notes?"

    • LATER [#A] Check out this awesome video by [:a {:href "https://twitter.com/shuomi3" :target "_blank"} "@shuomi3"] on how to use Logseq to take notes and organize your life! {{youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BhHfF0P9A80&ab_channel=ShuOmi}}

    • DONE Create a page

    • CANCELED [#C] Write a page with more than 1000 blocks

  • That's it! You can create more bullets or open a local directory to import some notes now!
  • You can also download our desktop app at https://github.com/logseq/logseq/releases