
889 B

Developer Notes


This folder contains the JS codes for a custom build of Tldraw to fit the needs of Logseq, which originates from an abandoned next branch from the author of Tldraw.



Modern JS eco tools like Node.js and yarn.

Run in dev mode

  • install dependencies with yarn
  • run dev mode with yarn dev, which will start a Vite server at

Note, the dev mode is a standalone web app running a demo Tldraw app in tldraw/demo/src/App.jsx. The Logseq component renderers and handlers are all mocked to make sure Tldraw only functions can be isolatedly developed.

Other useful commands

  • fixing styles: yarn fix:style
  • build: yarn build

How it works

Data flow between Tldraw & Logseq

The data flow between Tldraw & Logseq can be found here: https://whimsical.com/9sdt5j7MabK6DVrxgTZw25