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iOS development


  • Install Xcode 13 from App Store.
  • Install CocoaPods
    sudo gem install cocoapods
    Note: use the following commands from ios/App directory to fix ffi_c.bundle related issue for M1 MacBook [^1].
    (Working directory: ios/App)
    sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
    arch -x86_64 pod install

Set up development environment

Build the development app

  • comment in server section in capacitor.config.ts, and replace process.env.LOGSEQ_APP_ASERVER_URL with your http://your-local-ip-address:3001 (run ifconfig to check).
    server: {
        url: "process.env.LOGSEQ_APP_ASERVER_URL",
        cleartext: true
  • Working directory: Logseq root directory
  • Run yarn && yarn app-watch from the logseq project root directory in terminal.
  • Run npx cap sync ios in another termimal to copy web assets from public to ios/App/App/public, and create capacitor.config.json in ios/App/App, and update iOS plugins.
  • Connect your iOS device to MacBook.
  • Run npx cap open ios to open Logseq project in Xcode, and build the app there.

or, you can run bb dev:ios-app to do those steps with one command if you are on MacOS. To download bb, see https://github.com/babashka/babashka#installation. Also, in order to use mobile bb tasks on macOS, gsed needs to be installed in your system (run brew install gnu-sed to install).

Note: if the dev build isn't reflecting the change of code, restart yarn app-watch and run npx cap sync ios again.

Build the release app

  • Comment out server section above in capacitor.config.ts.
  • Connect your iOS device to MacBook.
  • Run yarn run-ios-release to install the release app to your iOS device.

or, you can run bb release:ios-app to do those steps with one command.

[^1] https://github.com/CocoaPods/CocoaPods/issues/10220#issuecomment-730963835

Android development


  • Install Android studio [^1] and SDK (newer than 30) tools Note: for M1 MacBook users.
    • Download version Mac with Apple Chip
    • unzip it and move Android Studio.app file to Applications, or you will get the following error later.
       [error] Unable to launch Android Studio. Is it installed?
          Attempted to open Android Studio at: /Applications/Android Studio.app
          You can configure this with the CAPACITOR_ANDROID_STUDIO_PATH environment variable.
  • In Android Studio, open Tools -> SDK Manager to install other SDK tools [^2].

    In the SDK Tools tab, make sure to install at least the following:

    • Android SDK Build-Tools
    • Android SDK Command-line Tools
    • Android Emulator
    • Android SDK Platform-Tools

Set up development environment

Build the development app

  • comment in server section in capacitor.config.ts, and replace process.env.LOGSEQ_APP_ASERVER_URL with your http://your-local-ip-address:3001 (run ifconfig to check).
    server: {
        url: "process.env.LOGSEQ_APP_ASERVER_URL",
        cleartext: true
  • Run yarn && yarn app-watch from the logseq project root directory in terminal.
  • Run npx cap sync android in another termimal.
  • Run npx cap run android to install app into your device.

or, you can run bb dev:android-app to do those steps with one command if you are on macOS.


  • In Android Studio, open Tools -> AVD Manager to create Android Virtual Device (AVD), and lanuch it in the emulator.
  • In Android Studio, open Run -> Run to run Logseq.
  • After logseq startup in Android virtual device, repl should be able to connect
  • For browser console print and devtool remote debug, open chrome, type url chrome://inspect/#devices, you should see your device there, click inspect

Build a release and install it to your android device

  • Comment out server section above in capacitor.config.ts.
  • Connect your device to PC.
  • Run yarn run-android-release.

or, you can run bb release:android-app to do those steps with one command.

Build an apk

  • Comment out server section above in capacitor.config.ts.
  • Run yarn run-android-release

or, you can run bb release:android-app to do those steps with one command.


  • In Android Studio, open Build -> Build Bundles / APKs -> Build APKs.
  • Get your apk in android/app/build/apk/debug.