
21 KiB


This page describes development practices for this codebase.


Most of our linters require babashka. Before running them, please install babashka. To invoke all the linters in this section, run

bb lint:dev

Clojure code

To lint:

clojure -M:clj-kondo --parallel --lint src --cache false

We lint our Clojure(Script) code with https://github.com/clj-kondo/clj-kondo/. If you need to configure specific linters, see this documentation. Where possible, a global linting configuration is used and namespace specific configuration is avoided.

There are outstanding linting items that are currently ignored to allow linting the rest of the codebase in CI. These outstanding linting items should be addressed at some point:

  • Comments starting with TODO:lint
  • Code marked with #_:clj-kondo/ignore require a good understanding of the context to address as they usually involve something with a side effect or require changing multiple fns up the call stack.

Unused vars

We use https://github.com/borkdude/carve to detect unused vars in our codebase.

To run this linter:

bb lint:carve

By default, the script runs in CI mode which prints unused vars if they are found. The script can be run in an interactive mode which prompts for keeping (ignoring) an unused var or removing it. Run this mode with:

bb lint:carve '{:interactive true}'

When a var is ignored, it is added to .carve/ignore. Please add a comment for why a var is ignored to help others understand why it's unused.

Large vars

Large vars have a lot of complexity and make it hard for the team to maintain and understand them. To run this linter:

bb lint:large-vars

To configure the linter, see the [:tasks/config :large-vars] path of bb.edn.

Document namespaces

Documentation helps teams share their knowledge and enables more individuals to contribute to the codebase. Documenting our namespaces is a good first step to improving our documentation. To run this linter:

bb lint:ns-docstrings

To skip documenting a ns, use the common ^:no-doc metadata flag.

Datalog linting

We use datascript's datalog to power our modeling and querying layer. Since datalog is concise, it is easy to write something invalid. To avoid typos and other preventable mistakes, we lint our queries and rules. Our queries are linted through clj-kondo and datalog-parser. clj-kondo will error if it detects an invalid query.


We use tongue, a simple and effective library, for translations. We have a couple bb tasks for working with translations under lang: e.g. bb lang:list. See the translator guide for usage.

One useful task for reviewers (us) and contributors alike, is bb lang:validate-translations which catches common mistakes). When reviewing translations here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Punctuation and delimiting characters (e.g. :, :, ?) should be part of the translatable string. Those characters and their position may vary depending on the language.
  • Translations usually return strings but they can return hiccup vectors with a fn translation. Hiccup vectors are needed when word order matters for a translation and formatting is involved. See this 3 word Turkish example.
  • Translations can be anonymous fns with arguments for interpolating strings. Fns should be simple and only include the following fns: str, when, if and =.

Spell Checker

We use typos to spell check our source code.

To install it locally and use it:

$ brew install typos-cli
# Catch any errors
$ typos
# Fix errors
$ typos -w

To configure it e.g. for dealing with false positives, see typos.toml.

Separate DB and File Graph Code

There is a growing number of code and features that are only for file or DB graphs. Run this linter to ensure that code you add or modify keeps with existing conventions:

$ bb lint:db-and-file-graphs-separate
✅ All checks passed!

The main convention is that file and db specific files go under directories named file_based and db_based respectively. To see the full list of file and db specific namespaces and files see the top of the script.

Separate Worker from Frontend

The worker and frontend code share common code from deps/ and frontend.common.*. However, the worker should never depend on other frontend namespaces as it could pull in libraries like React which cause it to fail hard. Likewise the frontend should never depend on worker namespaces. Run this linter to ensure worker and frontend namespaces don't require each other:

$ bb lint:worker-and-frontend-separate
Valid worker namespaces!
Valid frontend namespaces!


We have unit, performance and end to end tests.

End to End Tests

Even though we have a nightly release channel, it's hard for testing users (thanks to the brave users!) to notice all issues in a limited time, as Logseq is covering so many features. The only solution is automatic end-to-end tests - adding tests for GUI software is always painful but necessary. See https://github.com/logseq/logseq/pulls?q=E2E for e2e test examples.

To run end to end tests

yarn electron-watch
# in another shell
yarn e2e-test # or npx playwright test

If e2e failed after first running:

There's a traceAll() helper function to enable playwright trace file dump for specific test files https://github.com/logseq/logseq/pull/8332

If e2e tests fail in the file, they can be debugged by examining a trace dump with the playwright trace viewer.

Locally this will get dumped into e2e-dump/.

On CI the trace file will be under Artifacts at the bottom of a run page e.g. https://github.com/logseq/logseq/actions/runs/3574600322.

Unit Testing

Our unit tests use the shadow-cljs test-runner. To run them:

yarn test

By convention, a namespace's tests are found at a corresponding namespace of the same name with an added -test suffix. For example, tests for frontend.db.model are found in frontend.db.model-test.

There are a couple different ways to run tests:

There a couple types of tests and they can overlap with each other:

Focus Tests

Tests can be selectively run on the commandline using our own test runner which provides the same test selection options as cognitect-labs/test runner. For this workflow:

  1. Run clj -M:test watch test in one shell
  2. Focus tests:
  3. Add ^:focus metadata flags to tests e.g. (deftest ^:focus test-name ...).
  4. In another shell, run node static/tests.js -i focus to only run those tests. To run all tests except those tests run node static/tests.js -e focus.
  5. Or focus namespaces: Using the regex option -r, run tests for frontend.db.query-dsl-test with node static/tests.js -r query-dsl.

Multiple options can be specified to AND selections. For example, to run all frontend.db.query-dsl-test tests except for the focused one: node static/tests.js -r query-dsl -e focus

For help on more options, run node static/tests.js -h.

Autorun Tests

To run tests automatically on file save, run clojure -M:test watch test --config-merge '{:autorun true}'. Specific namespace(s) can be auto run with the :ns-regexp option e.g. clojure -M:test watch test --config-merge '{:autorun true :ns-regexp "frontend.db.query-dsl-test"}'.

REPL tests

Most unit tests e.g. ones that are browser compatible and don't require node libraries, can be run from the REPL. To do so:

  • Start a REPL for your editor. See here for an example.
  • Load a test namespace.
  • Run (cljs.test/run-tests) to run tests for the current test namespace.

Database tests

To write a test that uses a datascript db:

  • Be sure your test ns has test fixtures from test-helper ns to create and destroy test databases after each test.
  • The easiest way to set up test data is to use test-helper/load-test-files.
  • For the repo argument that most fns take, pass it test-helper/test-db

Performance tests

To write a performance test:

  • Use frontend.util/with-time-number to get the time in ms.

  • Example:

    (are [x timeout] (>= timeout (:time (util/with-time-number (block/normalize-block x true))))
        ... )

For examples of these tests, see frontend.db.query-dsl-test and frontend.db.model-test.

Async Tests

Async unit testing is well supported in ClojureScript. https://clojurescript.org/tools/testing#async-testing is a good guide for how to do this. We have a couple of test helpers that make testing async easier:

  • frontend.test.helper/deftest-async - deftest for async tests that ensures uncaught exceptions don't abruptly end the test suite. If you don't use this macro for async tests, you are expected to handle unexpected failures in your test
  • frontend.test.helper/with-reset - A version of with-redefs that works for async contexts


Please refer to our accessibility guidelines.


For logging, we use https://github.com/lambdaisland/glogi. When in development, be sure to have enabled custom formatters in the desktop app and browser. Without this enabled, most of the log messages aren't readable.

Data validation and generation

We use malli and spec data validation, fn validation (and generation someday). malli has the advantage that its schema is data and can be used for additional purposes.

Reusable malli schemas should go under src/main/frontend/schema/ and be compatible with clojure and clojurescript. See frontend.schema.handler.plugin-config for an example.

Reusable specs should go under src/main/frontend/spec/ and be compatible with clojure and clojurescript. See frontend.spec.storage for an example.

By following these conventions, these should also be usable by babashka. This is helpful as it allows for third party tools to be written with logseq's data model.

Optionally Validating Functions

We use malli for optionally validating fns a.k.a instrumenting fns. Function validation is enabled in dev mode. To add typing for a fn, just add it to a var's metadata per this example. We also have clj-kondo type annotations derived from these fn schemas. To re-generate them after new schemas have been added, update the namespaces in gen-malli-kondo-config.core and then run bb dev:gen-malli-kondo-config. To learn more about fn instrumentation, see this page.


Currently the codebase is not formatted/indented consistently. We loosely follow https://github.com/bbatsov/clojure-style-guide. cljfmt is a common formatter used for Clojure, analogous to Prettier for other languages. You can do so easily with the Calva extension in VSCode: It will (mostly) indent your code correctly as you type, and you can move your cursor to the start of the line(s) you've written and press Tab to auto-indent all Clojure forms nested under the one starting on the current line.


We strive to use explicit names that are self explanatory so that our codebase is readable and maintainable. Sometimes we use abbreviations for frequently occurring concepts. Some common abbreviations:

  • rpath - Relative path e.g. logseq/config.edn
  • fpath - Full path e.g. /full/path/to/logseq/config.edn

Development Tools

Babashka tasks

There are a number of bb tasks under dev: for developers. Some useful ones to point out:

  • dev:validate-repo-config-edn - Validate a repo config.edn

    bb dev:validate-repo-config-edn deps/common/resources/templates/config.edn
  • dev:publishing - Build a publishing app for a given graph dir. If the publishing frontend is out of date, it builds that first which takes time. Subsequent runs are quick.

    # One time setup
    $ cd scripts && yarn install && cd -
    # Build a release publishing app
    $ bb dev:publishing /path/to/graph-dir tmp/publish
    # OR build a dev publishing app that watches frontend changes
    $ bb dev:publishing /path/to/graph-dir tmp/publish --dev
    # View the publishing app in a browser
    $ python3 -m http.server 8080 -d tmp/publish &; open http://localhost:8080
    # Rebuild the publishing backend for dev/release.
    # Handy when making backend changes in deps/publishing or
    # to test a different graph
    $ bb dev:publishing-backend /path/graph-dir tmp/publish

There are also some tasks under nbb: which are useful for inspecting database changes in realtime. See these docs for more info.

DB Graph Tasks

These tasks are specific to database graphs. For these tasks there is a one time setup:

  $ cd deps/db && yarn install && cd ../outliner && yarn install && cd ../..
  • dev:validate-db - Validates a DB graph's datascript schema

    # One or more graphs can be validated e.g.
    $ bb dev:validate-db test-db schema -c -g
    Read graph test-db with 1572 datoms, 220 entities and 13 properties
    Read graph schema with 26105 datoms, 2320 entities and 3168 properties
  • dev:db-query - Query a DB graph

    $ bb dev:db-query woot '[:find (pull ?b [*]) :where (block-content ?b "Dogma")]'
    DB contains 833 datoms
    [{:block/tx-id 536870923, :block/link #:db{:id 100065}, :block/uuid #uuid "65565c26-f972-4400-bce4-a15df488784d", :block/updated-at 1700158508564, :block/order "a0", :block/refs [#:db{:id 100064}], :block/created-at 1700158502056, :block/format :markdown, :block/tags [#:db{:id 100064}], :block/title "Dogma #~^65565c2a-b1c5-4dc8-a0f0-81b786bc5c6d", :db/id 100090, :block/path-refs [#:db{:id 100051} #:db{:id 100064}], :block/parent #:db{:id 100051}, :block/page #:db{:id 100051}}]
  • dev:db-transact - Run a d/transact! against the queried results of a DB graph

    # The second arg is a datascript like with db-query. The third arg is a fn that is applied to each query result to generate transact data
    $ bb dev:db-transact
    # First use the -n flag to see a dry-run of what would happen
    $ bb dev:db-transact test-db '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "object"]]' '(fn [id] (vector :db/retract id :block/type "object"))' -n
    Would update 16 blocks with the following tx:
    [[:db/retract 100137 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100035 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100128 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100049 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100028 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100146 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100144 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100047 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100145 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100046 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100045 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100063 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100036 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100044 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100129 :block/type "object"] [:db/retract 100030 :block/type "object"]]
    With the following blocks updated:
    # When the transact looks good, run it without the flag
    $ bb dev:db-transact test-db '[:find ?b :where [?b :block/type "object"]]' '(fn [id] (vector :db/retract id :block/type "object"))'
    Updated 16 block(s) for graph test-db!
  • dev:db-create - Create a DB graph given a sqlite.build EDN file

    First in Electron, create the name of the graph you want create e.g. inferred. Then:

    bb dev:db-create inferred deps/db/script/create_graph/inferred.edn
    Generating 11 pages and 0 blocks ...
    Created graph inferred!

    Finally, upload this created graph with the dev command: Replace graph with its db.sqlite file. You'll be switched to the graph and you can use it!

  • dev:db-datoms and dev:diff-datoms - Save a db's datoms to file and diff two datom files

    # Save a current datoms snapshot of a graph
    $ bb dev:db-datoms woot w2.edn
    # After some edits, save another datoms snapshot
    $ bb dev:db-datoms woot w3.edn
    # Diff the two datom snapshots
    # This snapshot correctly shows an added block with content "b7" and a property using a closed :default value
    $  bb dev:diff-datoms w2.edn w3.edn
    [[162 :block/title "b7" 536871039 true]
      [162 :block/created-at 1703004379103 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/format :markdown 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/page 149 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/parent 149 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 108 536871044 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 149 536871044 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 160 536871044 true]
      {#uuid "21be4275-bba9-48b8-9351-c9ca27883159"
        #uuid "6581b09e-8b9c-4dca-a938-c900aedc8275"}
      [162 :block/refs 108 536871043 true]
      [162 :block/refs 160 536871043 true]
      #uuid "6581c8db-a2a2-4e09-b30d-cdea6ad69512"
    # By default this task ignores commonly changing datascript attributes.
    # To see all changed attributes, tell the task to ignore a nonexistent attribute:
    $ bb dev:diff-datoms w2.edn w3.edn -i a
    [[[nil nil 536871029 536871030]
      [nil nil 1702998192728 536871029]
      [nil nil 536871035 536871036]
      [nil nil 1703000139716 536871035]
      [nil nil 149 536871033]
      [nil nil 536871035 536871036]]
    [[nil nil 536871041 536871042]
      [nil nil 1703004384793 536871041]
      [nil nil 536871039 536871040]
      [nil nil 1703004380918 536871039]
      [nil nil 162 536871037]
      [nil nil 536871037 536871038]
      [162 :block/title "b7" 536871039 true]
      [162 :block/created-at 1703004379103 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/format :markdown 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/order "a0" 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/page 149 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/parent 149 536871037 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 108 536871044 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 149 536871044 true]
      [162 :block/path-refs 160 536871044 true]
      {#uuid "21be4275-bba9-48b8-9351-c9ca27883159"
        #uuid "6581b09e-8b9c-4dca-a938-c900aedc8275"}
      [162 :block/refs 108 536871043 true]
      [162 :block/refs 160 536871043 true]
      [162 :block/tx-id 536871043 536871044 true]
      [162 :block/updated-at 1703004380918 536871039 true]
      #uuid "6581c8db-a2a2-4e09-b30d-cdea6ad69512"

Dev Commands

In the app, you can enable Dev commands under Settings > Advanced > Developer mode. Then search for commands starting with (Dev). Commands include inspectors for block/page data and AST.

Desktop Developer Tools

Since the desktop app is built with Electron, a full set of Chromium developer tools is available under the menu View > Toggle Developer Tools. Handy tools include a JS console and HTML inspector.

Security Practices

  • Our builds should not include unverified, third-party resources as this opens up the app to possibly harmful injections. If a third-party resource is included, it should be verified against an official distributor. Use https://github.com/logseq/logseq/pull/9712 as an example to include a third party resource and not the examples under resources/js/.


If dev app launch failed after electron upgrade:

yarn watch

In another window:

cd static
cd ..
yarn dev-electron-app

and kill all electron process Then a normal start happens via yarn dev-electron-app