
3.8 KiB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.




  • Support api of logseq.UI.queryElementRect: (selector: string) => Promise<DOMRectReadOnly | null>
  • Support api of logseq.UI.queryElementById: (id: string) => Promise<string | boolean>
  • Support api of logseq.UI.checkSlotValid: (slot: UISlotIdentity['slot']) => Promise<boolean>
  • Support api of logseq.UI.resolveThemeCssPropsVals: (props: string | Array<string>) => Promise<any>
  • Support api of logseq.Assets.builtInOpen(path: string): Promise<boolean | undefined>


  • fix Plugin can't register command shortcut with editing mode #10392
  • fix [Plugin API] [Keymap] Command without keybinding can't be present in Keymap #10466
  • fix [Possible DATA LOSS] [Plugin API] [Keymap] Any plugin could break the global config.edn #10465



  • Support a plug-in flag for the plugin slash commands item
  • Support api of logseq.App.setCurrentGraphConfigs: (configs: {}) => Promise<void>
  • Support hook of logseq.App.onTodayJournalCreated: IUserHook<{ title: string }
  • Support more template-related APIs
  • Support auto-check updates for the installed plugins from Marketplace


  • Select and Input elements rendered using provideUI via onMacroRendererSlotted don't function #8374
  • logseq.Editor.getPageBlocksTree does not work when page uuid is passed in as param #4920



  • missing arguments of DB.datascriptQuery



  • Support block content slot hook App.onBlockRendererSlotted with a specific block UUID
  • Support plugins calling each other App.invokeExternalPlugin with key of models & commands.
    E.g. (It is recommended that the caller plugin upgrade the SDK to the latest.)
    // Defined at https://github.com/xyhp915/logseq-journals-calendar/blob/main/src/main.js#L74
    await logseq.App.invokeExternalPlugin('logseq-journals-calendar.models.goToToday')
    // Defined at https://github.com/vipzhicheng/logseq-plugin-vim-shortcuts/blob/bec05aeee8/src/keybindings/down.ts#L20
    await logseq.App.invokeExternalPlugin('logseq-plugin-vim-shortcuts.commands.vim-shortcut-down-0')
  • Support api of Editor.saveFocusedCodeEditorContent #FQ
  • Support predicate for DB.datascriptQuery inputs


  • Incorrect hook payload from Editor.registerHighlightContextMenuItem
  • Auto generate key if not exist for provideUI options



  • All configurations of current graph. App.getCurrentGraphConfigs: () => Promise<any>
  • All favorite pages list of current graph. App.getCurrentGraphFavorites: () => Promise<Array<string> | null>
  • All recent pages list of current graph. App.getCurrentGraphRecent: () => Promise<Array<string> | null>
  • Clear right sidebar blocks. App.clearRightSidebarBlocks: (opts?: { close: boolean }) => void
  • Support register CodeMirror enhancer. #Experiment feature Experiments.registerExtensionsEnhancer<T = any>(type: 'katex' | 'codemirror', enhancer: (v: T) => Promise<any>)
  • Support hooks for app search service. #Alpha stage App.registerSearchService<T extends IPluginSearchServiceHooks>(s: T): void
  • Support focus option for App.insertBlock. Credit to [[tennox]] #PR
